Coen Brothers have been warning the Kikes for decades that they have a problem.
Sometimes in crazy times you have to hear the words again. The one the only the legend himself
Does a Jewish made video meant only for Jews actually tell them that only the Jews can lead the world? That a Goy can not lead no matter what they think?
Do the Jews see the troubles coming and need more help? Well listen to their creating a whole theory of what the Jew is. They are actually hubs of the system. And we goy are just the nodes.
We need them to rule us. They say it right here.
Daddy showed me his "dick"
We all know Putin is a based mother fucker and once Trump wins reelection we are uniting with Russia as the Great White Empire.
You know when this is all over it will set back elected niggers for a 1000 years.
Jew getting ready to shut down the internet?
Have not watched it in years. Murdoch is a Jew. Look into his mother. Their whole job is to make dumb christians support Israel. Thats it. The Illusion of choice.