Anonymous ID: 6d8fba Aug. 20, 2020, 4:36 p.m. No.10363523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3667

Trump Supporters Outnumber Biden Supporters 100:1 Outside Delaware Arena Where Joe Biden Will Give His Speech


This wasn’t supposed to happen.


Trump supporters outnumbered Biden supporters 100:1 according to a conservative activist who showed up to the Delaware arena where Biden will be giving his Dem nomination acceptance speech tonight.


A protest dubbed “Delaware Rallies Against Biden” kicked off Thursday evening outside of the Chase Center in Wilmington’s Riverfront.


Trump supporters chanted, “Back the Blue!” as they carried American flags and anti-Biden signs.


Earlier Thursday, a “Joe Biden is Losing It – Vote Trump 2020” banner flew over the Democrat convention in Delaware on Thursday.


Circling the Chase Center over Wilmington’s Riverfront was a small plane pulling the banner.

Anonymous ID: 6d8fba Aug. 20, 2020, 4:38 p.m. No.10363550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3643 >>3794 >>3990 >>4166

Israeli Aircraft Strike Targets in Northern Gaza


Israeli aircraft on Friday local time struck targets in the city of Beit Lahia, in the northern Gaza Strip.


According to reports, occupation warplanes have deployed three missiles in Beit Lahia, continuing attacks of the city for the tenth consecutive day.

Anonymous ID: 6d8fba Aug. 20, 2020, 4:39 p.m. No.10363565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3643 >>3794 >>3990 >>4166

Australians Are Hoarding Cash As Businesses Go Cashless


Australians are hoarding cash but using cashless transactions more than ever thanks to the effects of the CCP virus, two new reports have found.


The reports from electronic payment company Square shows that cash gave way to cards in daily transactions over the first half of the year while Australia’s central banking institution the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)revealed that the demand for banknotes had increased by 11 billion since February.

More Businesses Turn to Cashless


Square’s report (pdf) showed that over one in three Australian businesses— an estimated 36 percent—were effectively cashless during the lock-down peak in April, compared to seven percent pre-pandemic in January. Square defined cashless as accepting 95% or more transactions through debit or credit cards.


Data analysis also showed that cash payments declined by more than half between January and April, down from 35 percent to 15 percent of all transactions. But the payments levelled out in June to 18 percent.


Square also noted some variances between states and industries.


The ACT saw the most substantial cash payments plummeting, from 42 percent of transactions in January to 14 percent in April. By June, 35.6 percent of businesses in the territory has turned cashless, over three times that of January at 9.8 percent.


In Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, cash payments also declined by more than half during the period from January to April, with the ratio of cashless businesses more than doubling to above 20 percent by June.


By contrast, the Northern Territory remained the most committed to paying by cash, with cashless businesses ratio edging up only by 0.9 percent during the period from January to June, from 14.5 percent to 15.4 percent.

Anonymous ID: 6d8fba Aug. 20, 2020, 4:54 p.m. No.10363742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3794 >>3990 >>4166

Illegal immigrant hailed by Democrats deported under Clinton, re-arrested under Obama


ICE records show alien's detention, legal troubles started both times under Democratic presidents.


An illegal immigrant featured in a video on the third night of the Democratic National Convention was first deported in 1998 under former President Bill Clinton and was re-arrested and ordered deported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement in 2013 under former President Barack Obama, U.S. Immigration Customs Enforcement officials said Thursday.


Alejandra Juarez successfully re-entered the U.S. illegally at an unknown time after her first deportation, according to ICE. She was arrested again in 2013. She ultimately left the U.S. on a commercial flight in 2018 under President Trump.


During the third of night of the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday evening, Juarez’s story was part of an immigration segment where her 11-year-old daughter Estela read a letter she wrote to Trump criticizing him for deporting her mother, who first came to the U.S. illegally in 1998 and lied to a U.S. border agent about her immigration status. According to ICE, after Juarez was deported, she attempted to re-enter the U.S. again "by falsely claiming to be a U.S. citizen but then withdrew her application."


A traffic stop that occurred in Florida in 2013 brought her back into ICE custody when Obama was president.


An ICE spokesperson confirmed that a "reinstatement of removal" was issued after Juarez was re-arrested in 2013 because she was previously deported. After that, a “temporary stay of removal” was granted in 2015 and 2016 that prevented the deportation from being carried out. ICE said that an additional “temporary stay of removal” was not approved in 2017 and Juarez left the country via a commercial flight in 2018.


The full details of her arrests under Democratic presidents were excluded from the moving video played at the DNC's convention.


The DNC said in a press release that Juarez “married a proud American Marine with whom she had two American children.”


According to an ICE statement about the Juarez case in 2018, ICE "respects the service and sacrifice of those in the military and the families who support them, and is very deliberate in its review of cases associated with veterans and active-duty service members. Any action taken by ICE that may result in the removal of an individual with military service must be authorized by the senior leadership in a field office, following an evaluation by local counsel.”

Anonymous ID: 6d8fba Aug. 20, 2020, 4:58 p.m. No.10363798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3806 >>3926 >>3990 >>4166

Joe Biden Positions Kamala Harris in Front in ‘Day One Ready’ Instagram Post


Joe Biden (D) positioned his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), front and center in an Instagram post reading “Day One Ready” as questions continue to mount over his mental fitness and ability to effectively act as commander-in-chief.


“Day One Ready,” reads the Instagram photo posted to Biden’s feed this week. The photo features Harris front and center as Biden holds her hand triumphantly in the background.


“Come January, there won’t be any time to waste repairing the damage of the last four years and beginning the work of building back better,” he said. “@KamalaHarris and I are ready to get to work on day one”:

Anonymous ID: 6d8fba Aug. 20, 2020, 5:04 p.m. No.10363865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3990 >>4021 >>4166

Report: With Chicago police already stretched thin, Mayor Lightfoot stations over 100 cops outside home, bans protests on her block to protect herself


Even as police in Chicago are stretched to their limit, Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot has allegedly ordered a continuous heavy police presence outside her home in Logan Square and banned protests on her block to protect herself and her family.


The Chicago Tribune reported Thursday that the city has effectively banned all protests on Lightfoot's street, including peaceful ones, even as elsewhere in the city protests have been allowed to continue and openly supported by the mayor.


According to an email sent by the district's commander at the time, officers assigned to enforce the directive were instructed to tell protesters "that it is against the city code and state law to protest" and that they must "leave immediately."


After the warning is given, the street "should be locked down," the instructions added.


In order to carry out the orders, a large contingent of officers have been routinely stationed outside the home. Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara told the Chicago Sun-Times that as many as 140 officers have been assigned to the home at certain times.


One of Lightfoot's neighbors came up with the name "Fort Lori" to describe the scene.


"Maybe she should move into a high-rise downtown where you can put like 20 officers at the front of the building if need be," Catanzara suggested, adding, "I get the family safety, but you picked this job."


"What about all of the officers who are getting projectiles thrown at 'em, fireworks shot at 'em? It's the do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do mentality," he continued.


Catanzara is not the only one who has taken some offense at the action. The Tribune noted that the order, which siphons away police resources from other areas to protect the mayor's neighborhood has led to "some quiet grumbling" within the police department.

What else?


Lightfoot defended the move Thursday, telling reporters, "Given the threats that I have personally received. Given the threats to my home and my family, I'm gonna do everything to make sure that they are protected. I make no apologies whatsoever."


"We have a right in our home to live in peace," she added.


The mayor did not elaborate on the threats but said: "Suffice it to say that, every single day, there is something that pops up. There are specific threats to my person, to my wife and to our home."


She also denied the claim that "hundreds" of police were stationed near her home, but said that "sufficient resources" are assigned when a threat is established.


The order to ban protests near Lightfoot's home comes as violence and riots rage in the city and Chicago police officers are resigning or retiring in record numbers.