Anonymous ID: c0ad08 Aug. 20, 2020, 5:09 p.m. No.10363935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4045

Re: Cecilia Fulbright - The alleged QAnon follower arrested for vehicular assault


…."Sydney Molina, a​​ former roommate of Fulbright, said that Fulbright 'has a history of mental health issues' that have gone untreated.


"“I was the one who originally sent her stuff, and her boyfriend sent her stuff, kind of like laughing at how ridiculous it is,” Molina said.


"At some point in May [2020], Molina claims to have introduced Fulbright to QAnon.


"But according to Molina, Fulbright ​began to sincerely follow the conspiracy theory.


…..“I found out later that she was staying up for days reading this stuff,” Molina told RWW​. “She was getting more and more caught up in it and delusional.” ….


So, this Trump hating FORMER roommate of Fulbright, Sydney Molina, who knew that Fulbright had a history of untreated mental illness, begins sending Fulbright QAnon material three months ago. Molina and another dude begin sending this mentally ill woman QAnon materials, yunno, for shitz and giggles, because of "how ridiculous" it was?!?


Clearly this bitch Molina and some other dude were toying with a woman they both knew was mentally ill. Three months before the incident and they knew she was becoming obsessed with it.


Now why would they be doing such sick shit with this poor woman? They were clearly egging her on and saw that the obsession was taking hold. Who is this Molina woman and "the boyfriend" anyway? At the very least they are liable civilly, perhaps even criminally, for abusing this woman who they both knew would be traumatized by the pedophilia-related material they were sending her. This sounds like a DIY MKUltra experiment being run by these two sick scumbags.

Anons, digg into this Sydney Molina. At the very least, Fulbright's family should contact an attorney and press the PD to file charges against this couple.