Anonymous ID: d0cbe3 Aug. 20, 2020, 5:21 p.m. No.10364093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4151






Panic in various places! Sally Yates Example:


-Yes, Sally…they have women’s accommodations at Git Moar.

-No, Sally…I’m not a dangerous domestic terrorist except to the likes of you.


Here’s two tiny reminders, Ms. Yates, of your need to deflect.


We knew you were a Trump hater from the beginning and followed in LL fashion to bring down Trump and Flynn. (Kind of like McCabe’s statement of: “F Flynn, then F Trump”)


First Two FISA Signatories:


Oct 2016

James Comey, FBI Dir

Sally Yates, Dep Attny Gen (not LL)

?, Attorney, US Dept of Justice

? Agent

Exp: Judge Rosemary Collyer


January 2017

? Supervisory Special Agent

James Comey, FBI Dir

Sally Yates, Dep Attny Gen (not LL)

Exp (x day of Apr 17): Judge Michael Mosman


We Patriot Anons will continue in causing Panic to those who do/did Treason