Anonymous ID: 0257e1 April 14, 2018, 12:31 a.m. No.1037248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7264 >>7334 >>7336 >>7410

The whole Syria missile attack from the US, UK, and France does not make sense,

depending on what was hit. We know there was a "scientific research facility," which the

coalition says was used to make chemical weapons. That really does not make a lot of

sense, because the latest chemical attack was supposedly Chlorine gas. Anyone with a

swimming pool can get Cl gas. So, again, I keep coming back to "what establishments

were hit by the attack?"


My guess is that Iran's Republican Guards and Hezballah were the main targets. These have

been bad players for at least 35 years, almost since the minute the Shah left Iran. They have

hidden in plain sight and thumbed their noses at the US, while killing our citizens and our troops

with kidnappings, bombings, and IEDs. IRG and HzB targets are the ONLY thing that makes

any sense at all.