Anonymous ID: 6e4808 Aug. 21, 2020, 5:41 a.m. No.10370052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0066 >>0109 >>0247

Reposting this from earlier this morn….not all info made Notables. Another anon originally dropped this in bread 13265 E-bake and I dug a little more.


Why did Q pick page 20 of Carter Page’s FISA warrant as the background of his Panic in DC image posts?


Panic in DC image Q post was on May 10 AND on Aug 20, 2020.


Check Q’s image - it is from Carter Page’s FISA warrant….CONFIRMED




(TS//NF) Significant?

Did Foreign Nationals SEE these Top Secret documents?


Top Secret information not releasable to foreign nationals…


Carter Page FISA stuff…