Anonymous ID: 1dbea1 Aug. 21, 2020, 6:52 a.m. No.10370486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0896


>Hey guise, sincere question, and I ask with ABSOLUTELY ZERO judgment in my heart. Please take that at face value.


>Question: "Is there another place I can go to get the same information that is posted here without the pornography?"


>Thank you in advance for your consideration!

You left the fret rag in the corner. To answer your question, please allow me to ask one. Are you wanting the same freedom of speech and information as here, where there isnt free speech?

Anonymous ID: 1dbea1 Aug. 21, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.10370728   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Research or Q.


>It's irrelevant.

90% of everything notable and posted have nothing to do with Qresearch. Take a breath.

Anonymous ID: 1dbea1 Aug. 21, 2020, 7:43 a.m. No.10370944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1007


>To answer your question…(please remember that I am not speaking with a judgmental heart) I remember when "Free Speech" was shoved off the cliff and fell into depravity when Larry Flynt (Hustler mag) won his "free speech" case in court! Prior to that, there were "clearer", MUCH "clearer" lines of demarcation that defined communication. I know one can argue that "free speech" means pretty much "every thing", but even if it does, it doesn't "mean" "it's good", or "good for us"! I assure you, the proliferation of pron here had it's genesis in the aforementioned court case! Just because something is legal, doesn't mean it's the right or good thing to do! By extrapolation, the very evil that permeates our land today, comes from the same source that drove the flynt case. I don't think anybody can maintain intellectual integrity and argue that pron is good for us.

Here is the thing. Free speech is free speech. It is what it is. Morality is another subject. This place deals in free speech and the only morality is what is and is not legal in the USA law books. Morality is not a subject matter here, only free speech.


Perhaps a place like freerepublic is more your speed. However know that while more moral, you cannot discuss things like the usefulness of trains, let alone boobs. You see they have their own wheelchair bound tyrant who controls what is and is not allowed. Even Q is regulated to only a single thread.


Its a take the good with the bad situation here. Right now, where this earth is, I think we need to embrace it all and then figure out how to make a balance. This place is this place and its the only one like it.