Anonymous ID: 1fa5e1 Aug. 21, 2020, 6:48 a.m. No.10370454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0489

Vice fake news:

Trump's Dangerous Praise of QAnon Puts The Lives of Innocent Americans at Risk

Experts believe that by giving the conspiracy theory oxygen, the president will embolden the group, which the FBI has called a potential domestic terrorist threat.

Anonymous ID: 1fa5e1 Aug. 21, 2020, 6:55 a.m. No.10370510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0517 >>0557 >>0600 >>0657 >>0984

Pence Fumes Under Intense Questioning About QAnon from CNN's John Berman

Vice President Mike Pence seethed while being grilled by CNN anchor John Berman about President Donald Trump's seeming embrace of those who believe the QAnon conspiracy theory.


In a Friday morning interview on New Day, Berman confronted the vice president about Trump’s wink and nod to the group.

“The president seemed to embrace QAnon — which is a group that the FBI has warned very likely motivates some domestic extremists to commit criminal, sometimes violent activity,” Berman said — as Pence shook his head. “This is a group that peddles theories that say that some politicians and high-profile Hollywood celebrities are members of a satanic cult, that are also cannibals. They say that coronavirus is being disseminated by George Soros and Bill Gates with the help of 5G networks. The president says they love America. So how do those beliefs embody a love of America?”

“You said the president seemed to embrace that,” Pence replied. “I didn’t hear that. I heard the president talk about he appreciates people who support him.”

“Do you believe they love America?” Berman said.

“I don’t know anything about that conspiracy theory,” Pence said.

“How can you not know about it, given how much it’s been in the news?” Berman replied, incredulous. “How can you not know about it at this point?”

“Honestly, John, I don’t know anything about that,” Pence said. “I’ve heard about it. We dismiss conspiracy theories around here.”

“Will you dismiss it?” Berman asked. “Will you dismiss it.”

“I just did, John,” Pence replied, tersely.

“So Mr. Vice President, you didn’t answer my question,” Berman said, “[Senator] Ben Sasse [R-NE] said ‘QAnon is nuts, leaders call conspiracy theories conspiracy theories.’ Will you call what they espouse conspiracy theories?”

“I just did, John,” Pence said again. “I called it a conspiracy theory. I said I don’t have any time for it, and I don’t know anything about it. And frankly, honestly John, I get it. I get that the media, particularly CNN, chases after shiny objects.”

“This is no shiny object,” Berman shot back, as Pence reverted to attacking Democrats.