Anonymous ID: af90fa Aug. 21, 2020, 6:51 a.m. No.10370481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0507




Israel Air Force prepares to train with Luftwaffe over Germany for first time

Monday exercise will be air force’s only international drill in 2020; Israeli aircraft to fly over Munich to mark 1972 Olympics massacre, and over Dachau to commemorate Holocaust


16 August 2020, 6:20 pm


The Israeli Air Force will take part in its first ever exercise in Germany on Monday, flying dozens of sorties with the Luftwaffe and other NATO countries’ air forces, over the course of two weeks, the military said.


This will be the only international exercise to which the IAF will send aircraft this year, in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

“This exercise has great strategic importance and has immense influence on the air force, the IDF, and the State of Israel. Israeli-German relations and the arrival of Israeli Air Force planes on German soil is a historic event,” the IAF said.


On Tuesday, the IAF is also scheduled to perform a flyover with the German Air Force, flying over the Dachau concentration camp, in memory of the Holocaust, as well as over the outskirts of Munich, to commemorate the murder of 11 Israeli athletes in the 1972 Olympics, the military said.


Though the Israeli Air Force has performed flybys over former Nazi concentration camps before, this will be the first time that the German Luftwaffe will participate.


We will be “flying side by side with the Israeli Air Force for the first time in our history,” Ingo Gerhartz, chief of the German Air Force, told the German press agency dpa last Thursday.


According to the Israeli military, six F-16 fighter jets, two Gulfstream G550 command-and-control planes, and two Boeing 707 planes will travel to Germany for the two-week exercise.


“Holding this exercise at this time comes from a need to continue to hold exercises in unknown landscape, as part of the importance of preserving the fitness of the air force, of being able to deal with a variety of scenarios and in order to preserve the close cooperation between the [Israeli] Air Force and foreign air forces,” the military said.


The IAF said the exercise would include simulated dog-fights, air-to-ground attacks, advanced surface-to-air missile threats and operations behind enemy lines.


The air force’s flyby over Dachau and then Munich — known as “Memory for the Future” — will include the Israeli Gulfstream plane and F-16 fighter jets, along with two German Eurofighter jets.


The flyby will be led by IAF chief Amikam Norkin, who will fly the lead Gulfstream with his German counterpart Gerhartz; and the first female commander of an IAF air squadron, who can only be identified by her rank and first initial of her Hebrew name, Lt. Col. “Gimel.”


Following the flyby, a joint memorial ceremony will be held in Dachau, which will be attended by German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Israeli Ambassador to Germany Jeremy Issacharoff, Norkin, Gerhartz and other attaches.


An IAF officer whose grandfather survived the Dachau concentration camp will speak at the ceremony, which will be broadcast live on the IDF’s social media channels.


Following the Dachau event, air force commanders Norkin and Gerhartz will hold a smaller memorial ceremony at the monument to the 11 Israeli athletes killed by Palestinian terrorists in the 1972 Munich Olympics, the IDF said.


Anon loves driving the shills cray cray. And this is bound to do it.

Bill Smith? Am I wrong? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Anonymous ID: af90fa Aug. 21, 2020, 7:14 a.m. No.10370691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0710 >>0730 >>0736 >>0779









Yeah. There is such a thing as a radio controlled airplane. Today commonly called a drone. But back in the day we called them RC. Entirely plausible. Did Richard Russell have a closed casket funeral? Would imagine he did. What did the news say about the recovery of his body? When I think missile, I think Pentagon and Shanksville on 9-11. Pentagon direct hit. Shanksville a malfunction. 50% percent quality control in Chinese manufacturing sound about right? It does in my experience as a US consumer. Missed it's target (either Congress, more likely White House) due to guidance malfunction. Then ran until it ran out of fuel over Pennsylvania. Research known fuel ranges for Chinese Submarine Launched Cruise Missiles at the time and it makes sense that it traveled as far as Shanksville. Remember Bill Clinton cruise missiled the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. Story later changed. Initial reporting was cruise missile with outdated mapping software as cause of "mistake attack". Remember early in GWB 43's term Chinese force down of US Navy spy plane at Chinese AFB pre 9-11. It all starts to make sense. Attached .gif file related. Replace desert landscape with Atlantic waters off DC. Replace building with submerged Chinese submarine. This is my truth. NYC attacks are a separate subject. Another attack vector, if you will. Yet coordinated.