Anonymous ID: c45ce4 Aug. 21, 2020, 9:07 a.m. No.10371757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1769

Good think POTUS has a direct way to communicate to Patriots if the internet shuts down after the election while the Dems delay the vote count indefinitely.


(Headline) Facebook Braces Itself for Trump to Cast Doubt on Election Results



In a staff meeting later that week, Mr. Zuckerberg told employees that if political figures or commentators tried declaring victory in an election early, Facebook would consider adding a label to their posts explaining that the results were not final. Of Mr. Trump, Mr. Zuckerberg said the company was “in unprecedented territory with the president saying some of the things that he’s saying that I find quite troubling.” The meeting was reported earlier by BuzzFeed News.


Since then, executives have discussed the “kill switch” for political advertising, according to two employees, which would turn off political ads after Nov. 3 if the election’s outcome was not immediately clear or if Mr. Trump disputed the results.