Anonymous ID: f301e0 Aug. 21, 2020, 8:12 a.m. No.10371236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1288

pb notable >>10370689, >>10370735 Explosion reported in Corpus Christi, Texas-One person suffers severe burns in explosion near city's refinery


DS illicit drug lanes:

1) Oil infrastructure (international)

a) cozy with Mil, DOState, Clowns = intel and protection

b) $- hiding, laundering, payoffs: Gazillion accounts, many countries, even big amounts are small relative to Big Oil 'Expenses'.

c) Ports controlled, International Law (sovereign from 'local' authorities, easy to have backstop/protection/intel from DOState, Mil, Longshoreman, etc.)

d) Shipping Routes go everywhere oil, petroleum products go.

e) Chemicals for drug refining, (byproducts of petroleum), $, chemical movements easy, can mask drug chems as routine.

f) All the vertically integrated business levels 100% DS controlled: Opium, Cocaine from fields ((Mil+Contractors) to truck to port (Union, Company) to export via Open Seas).

g) Efficiency- Drugs can be shipped as petro products (dissolved in). Cocaine can be dissolved in kerosene and extracted/refined out later, kero is a method of original extraction from coca leaf.


Potus Admin has made many seizures disrupting this model, and many at ports or on way to a refinery from ports. The quest for oil, e.g., syria, etc. is not Just the black gold angle. Oil infrastructure is a efficient and controlled model to distribute Anything.

Wonder why we ship Texas, US Oil for export and import at the same time? When companies can very easily save moar $ with swap agreements to avoid shipping expenses?

Whoever has the oil wins any prolonged war, Exxon and S.O. likely decided WW2. Hitler gave us Mobil 1, did Nazis really innovate synthetic oil over Rockefeller? hmmmm.

Anonymous ID: f301e0 Aug. 21, 2020, 8:42 a.m. No.10371512   🗄️.is 🔗kun


good point some companies, ports are moar DS than others. no coincidences.

like i said too..

> Oil infrastructure is a efficient and controlled model to distribute Anything.


Acts as a DS Fed Ex.for things hard to hide or risk going other routes, ups, usps, etc.

Anonymous ID: f301e0 Aug. 21, 2020, 9:02 a.m. No.10371698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1833

Trump admin. issues guidance to designate teachers as essential workers


President Trump has issued new guidance to label teachers as “critical infrastructure workers,” which could pave the way for them to return to the classroom this school year.


His announcement comes as the latest step in the Trump administration’s push to reopen schools, which they hope will enable students to receive a quality education and allow parents to return to work.


“We believe that we can safely reopen our schools. We know that it’s best for our kids. We don’t want them to fall behind academically, but also we don’t want our kids to miss out on the counseling that they receive. Special needs services, as well as all the nutrition programs that are available just at our schools. Finally, Mr. President, I know that you’ve recognized from early on that getting our kids back to school is first a priority for them, but also it’s important for working families.” – Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States


According to reports, multiple school districts in Georgia and Tennessee have already made plans to allow educators to teach in person.


One Tennessee county voted to designate teachers as essential back in July. So far, five other counties have followed suit.


Earlier this week, Governor Bill Lee announced his state would accept such a mandate. He has said he would leave the decision up to individual school districts.


Lee added teachers will be provided with personal protective equipment. He emphasized they will not be going to schools if they are sick or have tested positive for the coronavirus.


“If a teacher tests positive, they won’t be in the school,” said Lee. “…If teachers are exposed, there are specific protocols to that as well.”


In the meantime, Georgia’s Governor Brian Kemp has said he’s evaluating whether to implement the federal guidance in statewide reopening guidelines.


How to break the Dangerous Leftists teachers unions:

1- Gain max. support of people: working moms and non-lefty loonies: Highlight crazy curriculum to indoctrinate kids into sexual perversions, marxism, rebellling against parents, America, Potus and virtually all authority except leftist marxism.

2- Teachers should be a advocate for parents desired values but are agitators and hostile to parents.

3- End official declared pandemic now as the numbers justify end of the emergency powers granted, the powers which are being extended by Dems for political purposes to harm our country.

4- EO at end of Pandemic (Atlas to become instrumental? bypass Fauci) to resume education and all compulsory temporary measures.

5- As dems use unions to resist, shut them down.

6- Reopen unions only with new boards and new charters approved by parents and DOJ Barr, limiting scope.

7- Teachers unions use kids as poltical leverage moar than any other unions, there is no place for that in education.