Anonymous ID: 0afcb6 Aug. 21, 2020, 9:33 a.m. No.10372025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2145 >>2263 >>2354 >>2545

Mossimo Giannulli gets 5 months in prison in college admissions scam. Lori Loughlin will be sentenced later today


(The leftists corruption and why they should be expelled from our educational systems- do all leftists violate trust and sell access to public systems- wheres Hunter?)


Mossimo Giannulli was sentenced to five months in prison on Friday for his role in the college admissions scandal, just a few hours before his wife, the famed actress Lori Loughlin, was expected to learn her own fate.


Giannulli, a fashion designer, also faces 2 years of supervised release, a $250,000 fine and 250 hours of community service, according to the US Attorney for the District of Massachusetts.


"I deeply regret the harm that my actions have caused my daughters, my wife," said Giannulli, who wore a suit and tie during his virtual sentencing hearing. He added: "I'm ready to accept the consequences and move forward with the lessons I've learned from this experience."


Friday's sentencings will bring an end to the saga for Giannulli and Loughlin, who became the face of the college admissions scandal and is arguably the parent with the highest profile who admitted to paying the scheme's mastermind, William Rick Singer, $500,000 to get both their daughters into the University of Southern California.


Loughlin, a TV star who played Aunt Becky on the sitcom "Full House," and Giannulli, a fashion designer, plead guilty to conspiracy charges, taking advantage of what Singer referred to as his "side door" into the university by creating fake profiles for the girls and passing them off as recruits on the crew team.


Loughlin and Giannulli were among the defendants who initially pleaded not guilty and were willing to roll the dice in court. But the couple changed their pleas in May and hammered out a deal with prosecutors. Loughlin pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire and mail fraud, and Giannulli pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire and mail fraud and honest services wire and mail fraud.


Federal prosecutors on Tuesday formally asked that Loughlin be sentenced to two months in prison and Giannulli five months. Giannulli faces a $250,000 fine and 250 hours of community service, while Loughlin would get a $150,000 fine and 100 hours of community service. Each would receive two years of supervised release.


"He engaged more frequently with Singer, directed the bribe payments to USC and Singer, and personally confronted his daughter's high school counselor to prevent the scheme from being discovered, brazenly lying about his daughter's athletic abilities," wrote US Attorney Andrew Lelling of Massachusetts in the detention memo released on Tuesday.


"Loughlin took a less active role, but was nonetheless fully complicit, eagerly enlisting Singer a second time for her younger daughter, and coaching her daughter not to 'say too much' to her high school's legitimate college counselor, lest he catch on to their fraud."


Because of the type of plea agreement that Loughlin, Giannulli and prosecutors entered into, the judge will have very little wiggle room to veer off the agreed-upon deal. Loughlin is expected to be sentenced in the afternoon.


"The case went south on the prosecutors," said CNN legal analyst Elie Honig, who referenced exculpatory evidence that Loughlin's defense attorneys argued proved that she and Giannulli thought they were donating to a legitimate business. "Those documents were potentially devastating to the prosecution's case and massively reduced the prosecutors' chance at getting a conviction at trial."


Word of the evidence came to light in December, when Loughlin and Giannulli's lawyers argued that iPhone notes from Singer's mobile device allege that FBI agents spoke aggressively to him about his recorded calls with defendants, and they alleged investigatory misconduct. They also argued that prosecutors had not handed over this evidence quickly enough, only eight months before an October trial, and that they did not have enough time to prepare.

Couple could have faced up to 20 years in prison


US District Court Judge Nathaniel Gorton denied a motion to dismiss the charges and said the evidence could be debated at trial. Gorton also wrote in his decision that the defense had enough time and that the failure to turn over the notes was "irresponsible" and "misguided" not "willful," because of prosecutors "imprudent underestimation of the context, relevance and potential exculpatory nature of the notes."

(continued w/link)

Anonymous ID: 0afcb6 Aug. 21, 2020, 9:48 a.m. No.10372174   🗄️.is 🔗kun


one is humanitarian and one is a election prop emerging via a FF every election season.

one exploits children to seemingly save a group and one saves exploited children.


one provides cover to allow a terror group to commit crimes and one goes after terror groups who are funded by those committing crimes.


one group ensures no tolerance for other humanitarian causes and one is a humanitarian cause supporting anything good, taking a stand against only those harming children.


one cause evolves and expands its stated enemy to include police and a political party, including the president, as well as historical statues and figures.


one side needs to destroy things that have a meaning to others and do no harm, and one side just wants to destroy those that do real not imaginary harm.

Anonymous ID: 0afcb6 Aug. 21, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.10372292   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the usps blockchain patent was originally filed feb 2019, i thiink dems were set up thinking feb 2020 and they tried to prevent any changes to usps post jan 2020, seemingly to block voting tech.


so potus may listen to their demands for mail in voting, and let them go ballistic then say, ok usps tells me they can do it effectively and if so i am ok with it.


then dems are fugged, are they gonna say no blockchain secure voting? we agree with everything except the secure vote part?


potus, etal would know how they had to cheat early on when electronic was secured, as the DS steals elections arounds the world, they truly are a minority posing as a majority via msm bullhorn, echo chamber.

Anonymous ID: 0afcb6 Aug. 21, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.10372440   🗄️.is 🔗kun


either way i am thinking we will have a SC ruling on federal elections handled by the states. states may be held to a higher standard if fed officials want integrity for federal elections than a state monitoring its own internal elections. there has to be integrity and by default that would likely be a ruling where feds agree to things or if a valid point can be made for new measures, processes effected by states not being secure Enough, then court will likely force a rollback to old precedents, i.e. 2016, 2018 and modified by any court rulings in effect therafter (think judicial watch).


All of this is contingent in large part by one thing.

'''the C19 pandemic must be declared over (downgraded) o emergency provisions/powers are removed from DS govsss, CDC etc., that is how dems are jutifying all this. Pandemic status with BIG testing has shown a low mortality rate so it will be justified to downgrade statussss to epidemic or whatever)

power then removed. they will fight it but potus and atlas are ready! will take crucial timing by potus and he can then do eo restoring rights and have doj sue those not restoring rights taken uring pandemic emergency. It is over but not yet legally!