Anonymous ID: c804d9 Aug. 21, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.10373731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3794 >>3880 >>4054 >>4126

Facebook Braces Itself for Trump to Cast Doubt on Election Results


SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook spent years preparing to ward off any tampering on its site ahead of November’s presidential election. Now the social network is getting ready in case President Trump interferes once the vote is over. Employees at the Silicon Valley company are laying out contingency plans and walking through postelection scenarios that include attempts by Mr. Trump or his campaign to use the platform to delegitimize the results, people with knowledge of Facebook’s plans said. Facebook is preparing steps to take should Mr. Trump wrongly claim on the site that he won another four-year term, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Facebook is also working through how it might act if Mr. Trump tries to invalidate the results by declaring that the Postal Service lost mail-in ballots or that other groups meddled with the vote, the people said. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, and some of his lieutenants have started holding daily meetings about minimizing how the platform can be used to dispute the election, the people said. They have discussed a “kill switch” to shut off political advertising after Election Day since the ads, which Facebook does not police for truthfulness, could be used to spread misinformation, the people said.


The preparations underscore how rising concerns over the integrity of the November election have reached social media companies, whose sites can be used to amplify lies, conspiracy theories and inflammatory messages. YouTube and Twitter have also discussed plans for action if the postelection period becomes complicated, according to disinformation and political researchers who have advised the firms. The tech companies have spent the past few years working to avoid a repeat of the 2016 election, when Russian operatives used Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to inflame the American electorate with divisive messages. While the firms have since clamped down on foreign meddling, they are reckoning with a surge of domestic interference, such as from the right-wing conspiracy group QAnon and Mr. Trump himself.


In recent weeks, Mr. Trump, who uses social media as a megaphone, has sharpened his comments about the election. He has questioned the legitimacy of mail-in voting, suggested that people’s mail-in ballots would not be counted and avoided answering whether he would step down if he lost. Alex Stamos, director of Stanford University’s Internet Observatory and a former Facebook executive, said Facebook, Twitter and YouTube faced a singular situation where they “have to potentially treat the president as a bad actor” who could undermine the democratic process. “We don’t have experience with that in the United States,” Mr. Stamos added. Facebook may be in an especially difficult position because Mr. Zuckerberg has said the social network stands for free speech. Unlike Twitter, which has flagged Mr. Trump’s tweets for being factually inaccurate and glorifying violence, Facebook has said that politicians’ posts are newsworthy and that the public has the right to see them. Taking any action on posts from Mr. Trump or his campaign after the vote could open Facebook up to accusations of censorship and anticonservative bias. In an interview with The New York Times this month, Mr. Zuckerberg said of the election that people should be “ready for the fact that there’s a high likelihood that it takes days or weeks to count this — and there’s nothing wrong or illegitimate about that.” A spokesman for Facebook declined to comment on its postelection strategy. “We continue to plan for a range of scenarios to make sure we are prepared for the upcoming election,” he said.

Anonymous ID: c804d9 Aug. 21, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.10373825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3871 >>4054 >>4126

Chinese State Media Says A Biden Presidency Would Be ‘Smoother’ For the Chinese Communist Party


Chinese Communist Party-run media outlet Global Times insisted that if Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden wins the upcoming election the country would enjoy a “smoother” relationship and “more effective communication” with the former veep. The article, entitled “Biden ‘Smoother’ to Deal With,” follows a recent National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) report designating China as backing Biden, already boasting a notoriously soft track record on dealing with the country. And Global Times, a mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist Party identified as a “foreign mission” by the Trump administration, reiterated the sentiment in over 1,000-word puff piece on the candidate. The article, for example, extolled the Democratic National Convention as “showing unity,” praised Biden as “more decent” than President Trump, and even echoed Biden’s talking points while slamming President Trump’s “failed handling of the coronavirus pandemic.”


An expert quoted in the piece, Professor Li Haidong at China Foreign Affairs University, remarked that Biden would be “smoother” to negotiate with: “Biden is definitely smoother to deal with, which is the consensus around the world. For China, because Biden was vice president during Obama’s term, and had a lot of prior experience dealing with Chinese leaders, we would expect to facilitate more effective communication with Biden if he wins.” Biden would use “totally different tactics to continue the US-launched great power competition with China” – a complete rejection of what the Global Times perceives as “the Trump administration’s unilateral, selfish and hegemonic stances.” “Biden could at least change this awkward atmosphere,” according to Lü Xiang, a research fellow at the Beijing-based Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Some of the tactics the Global Times alleges Biden will resort to include “restoring negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement,” a trade deal which would have decimated the American manufacturing base while simultaneously sacrificing the country’s jobs, intellectual property, and national security. “Biden could revive Barack Obama’s legacy. Negotiations on the TPP and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) could be restarted very soon if Biden takes office,” Lü continued. He also noted that Biden would “very likely place the US back into the Paris Climate Agreement, the Iranian Nuclear Deal and other multilateral and international treaties and organization that the Trump administration withdrew from in the past four years.”


Global Times de facto endorsement of Biden is not surprising; it’s rooted in the former veep’s decades-long political career built on the exportation of American jobs and critical industry to China while his family members inked billion-dollar deals with Chinese Communist Party owned enterprises.

Anonymous ID: c804d9 Aug. 21, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.10373956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judge Orders Election Redo After NJ Democrats Charged with Voter Fraud


A judge ordered a do-over election held in November for a city council seat in Paterson, New Jersey, due to the apparent winner and a sitting councilman being charged with voter fraud.


State Superior Court Judge Ernest Caposela issued the ruling on Wednesday, according to the Associated Press (AP). “It was the right ruling. That past election was fraught with fraud,” Mayor Andre Sayegh remarked, according to CNN. “The City will comply with the judge’s decision and we created the Mayor’s Election Awareness Team to preserve the value of the vote in Paterson,” he noted. The AP article continued: Alex Mendez had won a special election on May 12 to fill the seat, but claims of voter fraud were soon raised. An investigation was then launched after the U.S. Postal Service’s law enforcement arm told the state attorney general’s office about hundreds of mail-in ballots located in a mailbox in Paterson, along with more found in nearby Haledon.


In June, Breitbart News reported that election fraud charges were announced against Paterson City Councilman Michael Jackson (D), Councilman-elect Alex Mendez (D), Shelim Khalique, and Abu Razyen: Mendez, 45-years-old, has been charged with second-degree election fraud, third-degree fraud in casting mail-in votes, third-degree unauthorized possession of ballots, third-degree false registration or transfer, third-degree tampering with public records, and fourth-degree falsifying or tampering with records. Following the announcement, President Trump cited the case as an example of what could happen with mail-in voting.


Trump’s reelection campaign, the Republican National Committee (RNC), and the New Jersey Republican Party filed suit Tuesday to “invalidate Governor Phil Murphy’s Executive Order 177” regarding a universal vote-by-mail system. The press release stated: This unconstitutional order violates New Jerseyans’ 14th Amendment right to vote, as well as the Elections Clause and the Electors Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The unlawful power grab by New Jersey Democrats has demonstrably opened the state’s election system up to fraud and will lead to the disenfranchisement of New Jersey voters. In defense of free and fair elections, the Trump Campaign cannot allow for Democrat party bosses to undermine the integrity of our democracy. Paterson’s do-over election is set to take place on November 3rd, according to the CNN report.