August 21, 2020
Biden Terrorists Unleashed On Child As “Commie Fest 2020” Ghost Convention Becomes Satanic Ritual
By: Sorcha Faal,
And while this terrified child was being comforted by his mother and the other Trump supporters who witnessed this display of demonic rage, then saw Joe Biden officially accepting the socialist Democrat Party nomination to be their presidential candidate—and in accepting, saw Biden giving an acceptance speech invoking “The Angel of Light Lucifer” with his declaration: “The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long…I will be an ally of the light, not the darkness”—a declaration well known to Christians, Jews and Muslims the world over—all of whom know that Satan and his allies invert the truth to claim the light for themselves.
As Satan and his allies like Joe Biden invert the truth to falsely claim that believers in God are the ones in darkness, it allowed this “Commie Fest 2020” ghost convention to welcome convicted rapist, torturer and killer Donna Hylton as one of its “Impactful Community Leaders”, who was convicted for the kidnapping, rape, torture and murder of a 62-year-old Long Island real estate broker in 1986, whom she demonically squeezed his testicles with pliers before murdering him—further allowed them to praise socialist New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who stripped the guns away from all of her citizens and is now locking them in quarantine camps, and this past week cancelled her nation’s elections—and allowed them to praise socialist Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who yesterday suspended his nation’s parliament to end their investigation into the crimes he committed.