>>10379496 pb
It is unknown if the military will be on our side... From my experience, a few years old now, tells me that the military is really going to be a useless mess. My guess is they will pretty much do nothing at best. If they do anything at all it will be to FORCE vaccines on you or FORCE you to deal with checkpoints and show-me-your-papers tier stuff. This is my real worry. The very last thing I would do is try to partner with the military or cops or etc if shit gets sloppy. We WILL be hunted and guess who will hold the reigns of the military? The dems will. No if the military does not come after you like they are ordered to, THEY WILL BE SHOT and so will their family. Now how likely do you think it will be that they will put your unknown ass on some pedistal when they know that their wives will be raped and their kids murdered if they are found out? Be ready to be on your own if we lose. Expect to be on your own for a VERY long time. Likely for the rest of your short and brutal life.
That said, we will win.