Anonymous ID: c37035 Aug. 21, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.10379559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9577 >>9646

>>10379496 pb

It is unknown if the military will be on our side... From my experience, a few years old now, tells me that the military is really going to be a useless mess. My guess is they will pretty much do nothing at best. If they do anything at all it will be to FORCE vaccines on you or FORCE you to deal with checkpoints and show-me-your-papers tier stuff. This is my real worry. The very last thing I would do is try to partner with the military or cops or etc if shit gets sloppy. We WILL be hunted and guess who will hold the reigns of the military? The dems will. No if the military does not come after you like they are ordered to, THEY WILL BE SHOT and so will their family. Now how likely do you think it will be that they will put your unknown ass on some pedistal when they know that their wives will be raped and their kids murdered if they are found out? Be ready to be on your own if we lose. Expect to be on your own for a VERY long time. Likely for the rest of your short and brutal life.


That said, we will win.

Anonymous ID: c37035 Aug. 21, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.10379630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9633 >>9637 >>9706


I pray that I am wrong… but I think back to my military time which is somewhat recent… They military will mostly do what they are told. There may be a few dissenters or protestors but that is soooooo easy to put an end to. Make a few quick examples and thats the end of that. Much of the bulk of the personnel are quickly being more liberal… Quickly becoming more brown/black with the anti-white racism that comes with that (lets be honest). Expect that to be a tool that is available to commanders. Largely black/brown troops will be exclusively used to go against white citizens and the opposite with the white soldiers in most cases. THis is exactly what Mao did shortly after WW2. Expect our commies to do the same shit.


YOu absolutely cannot base your view of the military on the individuals you know who are in the military. Remember there is going to be unimaginable pressure put on them to do the wrong thing. For most of them it will be suicide to refuse or worse…


We will win though so it is all moot but good stuff to put in the back of Anon's mind.

Anonymous ID: c37035 Aug. 21, 2020, 10:15 p.m. No.10379655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9665 >>9691




Yeah man, I dont think it would happen but it CAN happen. Deeply unlikely but POSSIBLE and that is why I say it. I will buy beers until I am out of money to anyone who wants one when this is all over and you can all laugh at me and call me a faggot… I will grin and grin and grin because I still got my country.


Just put it in your mind. It makes you more resilient. It keeps you from being a sucker. Again, we will win so it is a moot point but it is POSSIBLE.

Anonymous ID: c37035 Aug. 21, 2020, 10:21 p.m. No.10379692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9708


Yup… One of them was called RED FLAG. I have the text that floated around the chan boards from time to time. Thing is I think that will have been dealt with. No kidding. Those soft points and issues are now known and there will be measures put into place to deal with them. I described one of them using race to get the desired result. See if you send white troops to the white rural areas then nothing will happen. THose troops wont be brutal assholes and the people there will support them and likely end up partnering with them…


Same in the black areas… There will be much less tension and troubles. So they will definitely do the fucking opposite if oppression is the goal, and it will be if the left takes over. There is a little voice in my head saying that this whole Q movement is a 'nuclear option'. Kindof like the Minute Men. A pre-arranged group and trusted communication method that can basically make a massive and distractible partisan army as insurance. Like Wolverines move but HUGE. Able to push back against nearly any force brought to bear.

Anonymous ID: c37035 Aug. 21, 2020, 10:35 p.m. No.10379769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9793 >>9797 >>9807 >>9809 >>9823 >>9929 >>0017 >>0120


I think we are super fuckign versatile. Anons are an awesome and terrible army. I would be terrified to have to deal with and unravel a group such as this. I mean, really look at what has been built on this board! We have secret codes, weird back channels, hand signs (air-Q) a strong and inclusive culture that is really pretty tough to break into if you are a non-believing infiltrator. You simply will glow.


We are literally a tool but also a weapon… The Plan is for us to be used as a tool. We will follow what is happening (and will happen IMO) to success. If something goes fucktard though imagine if we were organized in a rush into local militias? We do it in like 24 hours and be pretty fucking effective in that time frame. Given 2 weeks we would be a tight knit underground army. Sure there are grandmas and 7 year olds in the group but they will be support and comms.


Now imagine you are the commies… Imagine you have to deal with us. How would you do it? What a fucking nightmare it would be to tease it out. You would need the NSA for sure to do it. Highly doubtful that they will be supportive of the bad guys. Same with lots of others who they would need. I think it is a possibility, the fact that it exists means that it hardens our position as a nation. It hardens it for generations as well. I am middle aged but you think of someone who is 20… They will still be a part of this movement when they are 60. Their kids and grandkids will know all about it. Its an absolute mess if you are trying to destroy the US. This is why I say we will win… like Anon said, the question is how much blood will spill. I hope very little.


Go to the grocery store and find someone with no mask on. … Sometimes I worry.

Anonymous ID: c37035 Aug. 21, 2020, 10:45 p.m. No.10379831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9844 >>9849


Dude who knows… NOt gonna lie, I thought FOR SURE it would happen before the election. Not a chance they would let it turn into this shit. … yet here we are. I understand though. I am in a blue libtard state… the one that is always in the news and pretty much everyone is still asleep. There are onesies/twosies here and there who are awake but not large groups and those who are awake are isolated and essentially in hiding. I have been here since day 4 and only met another Q person 2 weeks ago (Hi rabbit guy!). Thing is when I saw BLM marching around Portland today in peoples neighborhoods I realized that they literally are killing themselves with that shit. They are absolutely fucked if that is what they got. I hope it all stretches out more and things get worse, especially in blue states like mine. It does nothing but give me firepower to deal with those around me who wont wake up. It could take years still for the storm proper to get going or it could start tomorrow.


It has to get quite a bit worse before it can get better IMO. and this is all simple speculation and conversations with family about this stuff on my end.

Anonymous ID: c37035 Aug. 21, 2020, 10:49 p.m. No.10379857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9878


That one line really changed my point of view and conversations on all this. It actually made everything happening around me bearable. This is my favorite Q post (outside the ayylmao ones).

Anonymous ID: c37035 Aug. 21, 2020, 10:52 p.m. No.10379879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9939


Did you see the execuitive order just signed on CPS? That pretty much verifies every terrible thing that has ever been said about that outfit. I think we can expect more of that type of thing up to the election then 6 months of kvetching and bullshitting and hanging chad faggotry and next summer shit can get going for realzies. But then again when this started I thought it would be wrapping up by now as opposed to just getting interesting.

Anonymous ID: c37035 Aug. 21, 2020, 10:57 p.m. No.10379908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9935


I think that is the military/Anon army option. The thing everyone is trying to avoid because it will be a fucking disaster and will likely doom the nation to balkanization eventually which will be the end.


Read the Constitution. Take the time to understand what that fucker says. Things like Allodial Title and limited government and unalienable rights are not just flowery speech. Get a copy and carefully pick through it. My favorite one is to tell people to read the 9th and 10th then ask where the fuck all of these 3 letter agencies came from? Did you know that nearly the entire Fed Gov exists under The Commerce Clause? Go read that little blurb and see if you think the Dept. of Education or the TSA or ICE or whatever fits what the founders wrote that for…


That is a single tiny example I have put together over the years.

Anonymous ID: c37035 Aug. 21, 2020, 11:08 p.m. No.10379990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0185 >>0211


I am kinda a hot head already. I just want to be left the fuck alone and go way out of my way to make that happen as much as possible… I really struggle to do ANYTHING any more. I just don't go. I fucking hate clown world. I hope this bullshit stretches out like a fucking blade though… I want EVERYONE to have life-long memories of this bullshit so I never have to live this way again because everyone will FINALLY stand by the likes of you and I to stop it as opposed to ignoring us or supporting the stupidity. I hope it gets much worse so everyone remembers for generations. … sorry for the black pill but if we are going to fix everything then lets fix it FOREVER no matter how much it hurts.

Anonymous ID: c37035 Aug. 21, 2020, 11:14 p.m. No.10380024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0222


What can be done??? Go shoot at her? Voting doesn't work any more. Our representatives are fake and gay. Our Constitution is ignored and trashed. Noting will change until people start to wake up and push back. The whole fake and gay mask thing is a good measurement of where we are in that movement. Sometimes I worry.

Anonymous ID: c37035 Aug. 21, 2020, 11:20 p.m. No.10380071   🗄️.is 🔗kun


THIS. Yeah this is an interesting event. My whole life, growing up listening to 'Nam vet stories I always wondered why the actual fuck we would go fuck around in that shit… What a waste. Well it makes a lot of sense NOW! The goal was the generation of waste. Fucking bastards. I would love to get to pull the lever for the trap door on one of these fuckers.


The troops coming home makes me question a lot of shit. I just hope that they remember their oaths and the side they are supposed to be on. My biggest fear is some UN general from Namibia running a massive pile of US troops on US soil under UN control.

Anonymous ID: c37035 Aug. 21, 2020, 11:24 p.m. No.10380098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0160


Covfefe in the morning gets me going on this shit then weed in the evening does the same… Im tired though… long day tomorrow. Keep your heads about you Anons. Be prepared. We dont know how long this will all go on and how deep and dark it will get.