Anonymous ID: 31481c Aug. 22, 2020, 12:11 a.m. No.10380368   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wendy J Schmidt PHD works at the FDA among others like president of “The Schmidt Foundation”


Yes, she is married to… wait for it… ERIC SCHMIDT former executive of google however he now has a new gig, employed by our very own government the DOD.




Wendy Schmidt, PHD

Quinacrine Hydrochloride

2016 (232 page PDF)


Lupus: History of Antimalarials

Antimalarials have been used to treat lupus since 1894, when Payne first used quinine

Quinacrine was first used in discoid lupus by Prokoptochouk in 1939 and Sorinson in 1941

The first English language report of its use in lupus by Page in 1951 (Lancet) generated much interest and a series of large scale studies in the 1950’s (a total of 20 clinical trials from 1939 to 1961)

The introduction of hydroxychloroquine as an alternative antimalarial in 1955 resulted in a decrease in interest in quinacrine by the late 1950’




Wendy Schmidt President of The Schmidt Foundation:


In 2009, Wendy Schmidt and her husband, Eric Schmidt, created the Schmidt Ocean Institute (SOI), and in 2012 launched the research vessel, Falkor, as a mobile platform to advance ocean exploration, discovery, and knowledge, and catalyze the sharing of information about the oceans. Since 2012, Falkor has hosted more than 400 scientists from 29 …


Climate Central

WS founding member




Grand Challenges and Open Innovation:


We’re pursuing…grand challenges like making solar energy as cheap as coal or making electric vehicles as affordable as the ones that run on gas.

They’re ambitious goals, but they’re achievable.

And we’re encouraging companies and research universities and other organizations to get involved

and help us make progress.”

  • President Obama April 2, 2013


Wendy Schmidt Oil Cleanup X Challenge