Anonymous ID: 13a223 Aug. 22, 2020, 4:09 a.m. No.10381241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1345 >>1469 >>1660 >>1783 >>1886

tools of the left- how goodyear may play outs


BLM as well as many equity, equal rights and social justice groups are Democrat political orgs.

Q pointed this out with his link to BHO/GF Banner, and we know ActBlue and BLM is for Dem fundraising.


The Goodyear exposure is important because it illustrates how WE ARE DISCRIMINATED Against.

Simple formula/paradigm created by the LEFT.

Words Matter as usage forms mentals/physicals description which then classifies and categorizes. The left create this narrative in advance and suppress the left with it, this is how:

Political speech is restricted in many entities, public companies, etc. have policies prohibiting it. The left worked to make this a reality in order to make discrimination against them and in support of conservative thought and messaging illlegal/against policy.


Dem political groups are NOT identified as political groups, while conservative groups, beliefs are.

Goodyear etal, have/had policies against Maga, Blue and All lives which they categorize as political (because media, the left describes and names them as such and we unfortunately go along blind to the consequences.)

BLM, LGBTQ, etc. are social justice, equal rights groups as described by the left so even though they are political, they are held to a different standard than us.


To defend and gain equity we need to level the playing field and that may entail a high court ruling based upon a discrimination suit so that:

1) dem supported funded groups are deemed political regardless of what they self describe, or

2) Maga, Blue/All Lives are deemed equity, equal rights or social groups.


The left uses words and laws/policies as weapons and we generally do a poor job of revealing/countering their coverty seemingly unrelated schemes and we let them legally discriminate against us. A organized minority completely subverts and controls culture because of this, and the fact that the silent majority has a weak leader until Potus came along. We really need to develop a GS Lefty type information control program to prevent the Left from dominating words.


Look at what they/and we let them get away with:

'progressive': socialism is not progress for the majority.

'patriot': the Left and Google (alphabet!!! makeswords) are making this a racist description.


So to defend we need to understand and counter the fact that linking words to things (nouns) consistently defines or re-defines the word and creates a new definition which then becomes a truthful belief descriptor.

They change words in plain view, trying to make pedo a non-derogatory term and nation, patriot racist terms.


We need to wake up as we control the words now.

Anonymous ID: 13a223 Aug. 22, 2020, 4:17 a.m. No.10381263   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How bout album:

(ed) buck stops here [pic of epstein island with all our fav actors/pols- like beatles sgt pepper album]


artist can be

Cosby, Bills (BC,Gates), Trash (KH) and Hung (Mike)

Anonymous ID: 13a223 Aug. 22, 2020, 4:30 a.m. No.10381314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1373


common law, anyone can make one, no leo, or law body of any country/jurisdiction will enforce. and countries (US) at some point will defend their citizen against the indictment if someone tries to arrest and try someone because it lacks jurisdiction in others jurisdictions.


the courts will tell the creator to submit evidence to the body (prosecutor/AG) having jurisdiction over the matter, i.e, where the crime occured or where defendent lives.


if they fail to act on evidence and indict there are some other remedies but not many. all countries respect the body of law that establishes legal control and jurisdiction (nation states). citing the magna carta will not get you very far.

Anonymous ID: 13a223 Aug. 22, 2020, 4:57 a.m. No.10381396   🗄️.is 🔗kun


good point.

Q drops and anons truly fill a void in many peoples lives, those seeking truth and answer that often precede the questions, but lead to moar discernment and revealing of major exposure of a manipulated populace.


A certain % of blm and social justice peops may be saved by Q's rational thought process.

The price of having or being assigned a name is being a target and the benefit is in group power focusing on a target/cause.

Anonymous ID: 13a223 Aug. 22, 2020, 5:13 a.m. No.10381452   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no not legit in the sense it was used to arrest anyone or prosecute them, it may be an indictment like you or i could produce, and could be full of accurate info, but would not be enforceable.


for us authorities or others like interpol to use it they would confirm the data and issue their own indictment.

Anonymous ID: 13a223 Aug. 22, 2020, 5:36 a.m. No.10381549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1579 >>1580 >>1660 >>1783 >>1886


a nwo issued digital identity required to be part of the NWO

a conduit for id2020, to link digital money, a secure bio id as well as a vax certification of immunity so people are enslaved into a nwo controlling a persons right to identity (be a citizen), the right to buy and sell based upon whether they are c19 free.

so with the VAX you gain rights under the nwo which have been taken away (and will if they get their way) will be completely taken away by our current government


so the game summary, ue gov powers to:

1- quarantine people that cannot prove they are c19 free

2- do not allow people to access their own $, or shop if they cannot prove they are c19 free

3- remove all rights and benefits from those not proving they are c19 free.

4- the vax proves people are c19 free and when they get it their rights are fully restored with the convenience of a digital bio id given by the nwo (who), the digital identity is part of vax or follow up vax and will be mandatory for access to any money.

Anonymous ID: 13a223 Aug. 22, 2020, 5:41 a.m. No.10381580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1586 >>1587 >>1597 >>1660 >>1783 >>1886


Since 2016, ID2020 has advocated for ethical, privacy-protecting approaches to digital ID.


For the one in seven people globally who lacks a means to prove their identity, digital ID offers access to vital social services and enables them to exercise their rights as citizens and voters and participate in the modern economy. But doing digital ID right means protecting civil liberties and putting control over personal data back where it belongs…in the hands of the individual.


Through our Certification Mark, we shape the technical landscape to ensure that the digital ID solutions which are developed and adopted are user-managed, privacy-protecting and interoperable.


In January 2019, the Alliance launched the ID2020 Certification Mark at the World Economic Forum in Davos. ID2020’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), made up of leading experts on digital ID and its underlying technologies, established a set of functional, outcomes-based technical requirements for user-managed, privacy-protecting and portable digital ID.


The resulting Certification Mark gives direction to companies’ product development roadmaps, steering the market towards ethical, inclusive technologies. Certification also allows companies meeting our technical requirements to market themselves as-such and gives those implementing these technologies confidence in adopting certified solutions.


Heavily weighted in these requirements is a focus on modularisation, open standards, open APIs, and the portability of data between component systems, each of which is critical for interoperability, portability and avoidance of vendor lock-in. Alliance partners share a commitment to key principles for digital ID, but remain technology- and vendor-agnostic.


We have deliberately designed a simple application form and process in order to incentivize participation:


Technology providers submit solutions for consideration online, self-asserting compliance with the ID2020 Technical Requirements and Approval Profile.

ID2020’s Secretariat conduct the initial review of the application and, if necessary, follow up for clarification. Then they send a recommendation to ID2020’s Technical Advisory Committee.

If after our initial review and follow-up the digital identity doesn’t meet our requirements, we don’t issue a Certification Mark.

If, on the other hand, we are satisfied with our initial review and follow-up, then we award our Certification Mark and work with providers to get the word out.

Anonymous ID: 13a223 Aug. 22, 2020, 5:44 a.m. No.10381597   🗄️.is 🔗kun



pretty sure that is their plan



Potus is holding thing up. When America falls (gives in to digital identity- that nwo issues) the world falls.

scary shit.


jfk- there is a plot to enlave every man woman and child

Anonymous ID: 13a223 Aug. 22, 2020, 5:53 a.m. No.10381644   🗄️.is 🔗kun


a bio agent injected with VAX and of course needs to be readministered every so often (a means to add moar stuff into your body, in the guise of c19 needs vax 2x a year).


here is there selling point: my body, my choice (famous words of chubby libs- obesity/heart disease #1 cod)


But doing digital ID right means protecting civil liberties and putting control over personal data back where it belongs…in the hands of the individual.

moar like in the body of the user which is useless because [THEY] control the scanners, readers to verify you can buy/sell and not be arrested as a c19 contagiou person.


They will give Potus the election if he will promote this for the NWO, he will not.

Brought to You by your FRENS at DAVOS!

Trust Us- We really care…..

Anonymous ID: 13a223 Aug. 22, 2020, 6:26 a.m. No.10381851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1880


attack the messanger(s) when you cannot attack the message.

we need to continue the message as the DS/MSM tries to discredit everything with one Fake FF Messanger doing something bad.

BLM and Dems have dodged the many murders and looting, destruction and chaos by BLM and focused on the racial equality aspect.

Anonymous ID: 13a223 Aug. 22, 2020, 6:34 a.m. No.10381913   🗄️.is 🔗kun


prolly a good way to go aboout things, cannot say he was a target for prosecution.

we shall see.

if he was a potential target would durham say that?

they never told flynn he was a target.