Whether government has ever controlled the corporations in the USA is debatable. It’s far more likely now, however, that the reverse is true. And for as long as assholes parrot the “it’s a private company” bullshit, our human and constitutionally-protected rights will be nullified by what is, in essence, a corporatist takeover of one domain of existence after another. “Life” is being privatized. The new private “laws” will be suspiciously uniform across the corporatocracy. But of course it’s not collusion or cartel behavior, because to observe as such would be a conspiracy theory.
Arrogant and ignorant little shit gets a kicking. About fucking time.
>Why is the entertainment industry such a big thing? What does it do?
That’s why we call it “Entertrainment.”
> What the fuck is a sycopant?
An item of lower body clothing, when connected to the internet of things, in Ireland?