To my favorite community on the internet
Hello there true Americans, I am here to spread some love <3<3<3<3<3
I have been found some interesting images from Mr.Pedobiden. There were 25 of them and now.those images are purged from the internet and I was kinda lucky to get only four of them, but I want 'em all. Also, I'm not sure if there is any possibility to find them. Images are depicting child fucker presidential candidate. They are important, especially if some of you want to redpill normalfaggots on the mainstream websites for "socializing" [twatter, faceberg, instahookers, etc]. You don't even have to put some text on them and pictures are able to tell us more then thousand words, without any letters.
25 Pictures Of Joe Biden Stealing People's Youth doesn't contain all of the images, unfortunately.
Gr8, Thx for helping me to achieve my goal. The main goal for me is to attack subconscious mind with the subliminal messages of truth and to spread awareness of wrong doings conducted by high ranked politicians. /warroom/ is also full of useful informations on how to make an influential meme and how to do it properly.