Anonymous ID: c9219d Aug. 22, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.10383632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3853

Mind Control Social Engineering


The pattern of the opposition to world peace, the rolled-out insurrection of the haters:

Nothing but offenses projected upon other people to bring to the public discourse?

Nothing positive, no productive solutions to offer, only excuses to hate other human beings?

Nothing but net to trap the mind into passive consumption of fictional fantasy?


This is mind control social engineering.

This is mind control social engineering on a massive scale.

This is mind control social engineering on a massive scale, unprecedented in recorded human history!


Let us use reason and the basic facts to see through the thin veil of fabricated crises:

Anger is a useful state to galvanize emotional chaos into useful actions.

Anger is a survival instinct when used FOR A SHORT TIME to get us out of a life threatening state of mind or physically dangerous situation.


The outrage mob is being manipulated in this way, exploiting human nervous system wiring:

1) Program the mind with many delusions to create emotional chaos

2) Then create a target of hate to allow beleaguered minions to control their triggering from deteriorating into drooling basket cases, by holding onto their implanted anger with a death grip and continue their self-centered lives in subjectivity

3) Focus hate on the designated targets or best, A SINGLE SYMBOLIC TARGET, to avoid losing what remains of their mental control over their emotions

4) Prevent triggered meltdown by conforming to their emotional conditioning, remaining emotionally triggered all the time, but under control of the focused outrage to manage the psychosis of constant triggering by fear


This is mind control social engineering in its basic outline, enabled by a global media Matrix, controlled by 6 mega-media corporations with incestuous, interlocking boards of directors.



I. Feed the media believers a fictional narrative all their semi-conscious lives, trapping their minds in an ongoing video game with no way to win and no exit.

II. This Matrix simulation disconnects them permanently from common sense and the rationality connected to processing the real world.

III. Then stir up FEAR, ALL THE TIME, with fictional narratives, crowning the video game climax with the Covid psychological operation.

IV. Direct the herd "voluntarily", back into their shells, withdrawing into their pampered cells.

V. Get them to allow themselves to be injected with the latest gene-altering cocktails, complete with smart dust tracking chips.

VI. All while providing their infantile minds with a target to focus their hate symbolically on ONE MAN.

VII. Focus mass hate on the one man who threatens to upset the apple cart of the elite traders in human beings, the global conveyor belt transporting human assets, the ultimate currency.

VIII. Feed the elites who are so corrupt that only the commerce of children’s bodies and souls provide sustenance, amusement and entertainment to their jaded, blackened hearts!


Have a more comprehensive model of the current mass mind manipulation?


Now is the time to bravely stand up to global censorship, the corporate censor ships piloted by technocratic pirates and break the zombie’s trance with simple truth based in reality!


The living must not and will not allow the reality deniers, those trapped and lost in their subjective intellectual mazes, to go to their deaths in their sleep and take the rest of the world with them!


It is time to shake ourselves out of our hangover from our own fear-binge, wake up the zombie hordes, face the ugly truths and prepare for the planetary house cleaning of the ages!

Anonymous ID: c9219d Aug. 22, 2020, 10:29 a.m. No.10383636   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mind Control Social Engineering


The pattern of the opposition to world peace, the rolled-out insurrection of the haters:

Nothing but offenses projected upon other people to bring to the public discourse?

Nothing positive, no productive solutions to offer, only excuses to hate other human beings?

Nothing but net to trap the mind into passive consumption of fictional fantasy?


This is mind control social engineering.

This is mind control social engineering on a massive scale.

This is mind control social engineering on a massive scale, unprecedented in recorded human history!


Let us use reason and the basic facts to see through the thin veil of fabricated crises:

Anger is a useful state to galvanize emotional chaos into useful actions.

Anger is a survival instinct when used FOR A SHORT TIME to get us out of a life threatening state of mind or physically dangerous situation.


The outrage mob is being manipulated in this way, exploiting human nervous system wiring:

1) Program the mind with many delusions to create emotional chaos

2) Then create a target of hate to allow beleaguered minions to control their triggering from deteriorating into drooling basket cases, by holding onto their implanted anger with a death grip and continue their self-centered lives in subjectivity

3) Focus hate on the designated targets or best, A SINGLE SYMBOLIC TARGET, to avoid losing what remains of their mental control over their emotions

4) Prevent triggered meltdown by conforming to their emotional conditioning, remaining emotionally triggered all the time, but under control of the focused outrage to manage the psychosis of constant triggering by fear


This is mind control social engineering in its basic outline, enabled by a global media Matrix, controlled by 6 mega-media corporations with incestuous, interlocking boards of directors.



I. Feed the media believers a fictional narrative all their semi-conscious lives, trapping their minds in an ongoing video game with no way to win and no exit.

II. This Matrix simulation disconnects them permanently from common sense and the rationality connected to processing the real world.

III. Then stir up FEAR, ALL THE TIME, with fictional narratives, crowning the video game climax with the Covid psychological operation.

IV. Direct the herd "voluntarily", back into their shells, withdrawing into their pampered cells.

V. Get them to allow themselves to be injected with the latest gene-altering cocktails, complete with smart dust tracking chips.

VI. All while providing their infantile minds with a target to focus their hate symbolically on ONE MAN.

VII. Focus mass hate on the one man who threatens to upset the apple cart of the elite traders in human beings, the global conveyor belt transporting human assets, the ultimate currency.

VIII. Feed the elites who are so corrupt that only the commerce of children’s bodies and souls provide sustenance, amusement and entertainment to their jaded, blackened hearts!


Have a more comprehensive model of the current mass mind manipulation?


Now is the time to bravely stand up to global censorship, the corporate censor ships piloted by technocratic pirates and break the zombie’s trance with simple truth based in reality!


The living must not and will not allow the reality deniers, those trapped and lost in their subjective intellectual mazes, to go to their deaths in their sleep and take the rest of the world with them!


It is time to shake ourselves out of our hangover from our own fear-binge, wake up the zombie hordes, face the ugly truths and prepare for the planetary house cleaning of the ages!