Do be prepared for what you may find.
It hasn't been easy at all going through this "process". It can be downright scary and frustrating at times. MANY times.
You will learn who here is a real anon, and who is here to cause confusion.
Real anons are not hateful or cruel. They are cautious, but kind, loving and helpful. Some just more abrasive than others.
There is a culture here, and if you "lurk moar" as you have heard, you will begin to understand.
There have been times for me that I would go down a rabbit hole, not being able to sleep…..those are the times that make you stronger here. You will learn.
You can spend DAYS reading the Q drops and never quite comprehend or understand. Ask questions. Anons will help. I still ask questions. and I have been here since before Q.
Bottom line, those of us that are here faithfully, the real anons, are in it for the long haul. We love our POTUS & his family. We all know and understand the horrible corruption that has been going on for so many YEARS, CENTURIES even.
It can be a lot to try to understand and digest.
We fight…..because we love our COUNTRY.
We want true happiness for our families, and transparency from our leaders & our government.
Following Q has changed me, taken me from things I could be doing, destroying relationships with those who tell me I am crazy….like I said it hasn't been easy.
If you really are true newfag, and really want to learn and help in this fight, those are just some of my suggestions.
Good luck, anon.