No one has yet connected Q Post about Postmaster to the Post Office crap now.
I had to switch to auto pay because creditors did not get payment and stuff sent to me never got to me.
and all this happened in the last 6 months.
Basically in the last 6 months portions of mail not getting to me or not getting to those ent or if it does very late.
so yea if you want China to win lets do all mail in voting!!!
Democrats are not stupid as soon as COVID hit they were planning how to make it all mail voting and blocking the mail vote.
kinda basic
they are antiAmerican
Trump needs to get back into looking glass and stop reacting.
Never be so far behind the ball you react ….
situational awareness
never assume you proaction is correct. Always constantly reasses.
New fags
go to filter
go to comment
enter words that shills use
and close window -
there you go - you get rid of all the bullshit posted that is not real anons.
I accidentally stepped on a toad in the dark?
I got yelled at for stepping on a toad when I had no clue it was there.
Six ways to Sunday but who really controls the 6 ways now?
So nex election is socialism leading to communism or free market
kinda basic
Neither are perfect.
This not new - shills and a few patriots - just next wave.
if going old school direction do a hidden transmitter hunt.