You should feel stupid. You were the one that stopped deciding to be anonymous.
It's good that you ask these questions, but many here will simply tell you to lurk moar (hang out and read more shit).
First off, it doesn't matter who Q is. It might matter once this is over, but, until then, focus on what you can do to help and staying informed.
As for your second question, that's up to you to decipher.
Congratulations on staying ahead of things. Please don't make the same mistake many make when they come here and tell everyone you know about it.
Spreading the word is to be done anonymously and no other way. There are exceptions, however, like if you're skilled in persuasion or inciting curiosity in people.
If you can ask potent questions that help lead people down valuable paths, go for it, so long as you don't compromise yourself.
Otherwise, please focus on staying informed and being there for people once they come around and begin to understand some of the things you've recently discoverd.
Best of luck, anon.
Very wise words, anon.
You must understand the place you just entered.
This place is not for the thin-skinned.
You must have a hardened demeanor to stay afloat here. Learning to blend in is imperative.
If you don't understand the gravity of the situation we're all in, you should recognize in short time what this place really is. As such, others will soon do the same if they haven't already, which means that we garner widely attention from both sides of this situation.
Make no mistake, there are people here that do not have your best interest in mind. Many of these people pose as anons like you or I. Many of these people are skilled in deception, persuasion, and general psychological conditioning. This must be ingrained within you in order to make a valuable impact here. Otherwise, you'll quickly get caught tilting at windmills and arguing with bots.
We tell you to shut the fuck up and lurk moar for good reason.
This is no game.
You just waltzed in to a literal battlefield.