Blamefag fraud homotus is up early
Homotus fraud fegel frump wants progressive but had his policy declined
Twatter has spoken of blamefag fraud homotus fegel
Flush toilet
Trillions of dollars and all the judas fegels got is some tranny nasi bs
Let's hate the genetic diversity that is not a wasted fegel tranny money like nasi bs, cause false frump fegel homotus had his policy declined
Tranny wars with roth are like armpit flatulents
Hit it with a truck, it's going through the garbage
Plot to destroy dirty books went gold heist went kill cult ceremony went snafu
I got roth tranny in a headlock , blast some tool before beef clit shows
Thank homotus false fegel for fucking roth tranny . Someone had to dirty that taint
Look a totem
My eyes are up here
False fegel frump play cause blamefag fraud is rampant and faggot frump fucked nasi for roth shekels
Homotus fan club for false fegel tranny fucking cause blamefag fraud is so rampant
Have a buttery totem day