Anonymous ID: a40285 April 14, 2018, 5:50 a.m. No.1038562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8631 >>8862



I'm thinking "Sparrow Red" refers to attempts to unmask a mole?


Maybe if POTUS told the truth about what he was doing [on TV last night] and didn't play along, the mole would know the gig was up and take precautions?


They may be trying to smoke out a mole?


Remember that gas explosion at Bhopal India? Nobody took responsibility nor helped the victims. The money set aside for them was stolen. That was Union Carbide.


The company divested and sunk itself to avoid lawsuits. And then re-grouped. I wonder what the company is called now?


What was the name of the company supplying the chemical weapons for McNasty? We tried to track down the CEO of Bhopal after he went private to serve some legal papers, but these people have so many shells covering their ass, you can never find them?


Slick operators. No wonder they act without compunction.


Poor don't have money for lawyers, anyway.

Anonymous ID: a40285 April 14, 2018, 6 a.m. No.1038622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8670 >>8716


The reptile part of the human brain is at the base, connected directly to the spinal column, in a form shared with actual reptiles. The mammal brain and the human cortex are overlays. All humans have a reptile brain [residing in their own body].


I think the heavily promoted "Queen is a reptile" is a cover-story - close-ish to the truth, and a euphemistic reference to the likely fact they eat and kill babies?


The strong push of "Queen is a Reptile" by Icke? A flat earth type mis-direction? - to discredit all the good info Icke puts out [as honey] to draw in the marks.


Icke has got to be a formal hypnotist, as Obama?

Anonymous ID: a40285 April 14, 2018, 6:26 a.m. No.1038788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8794


Tried to get this in the notables:

But don't think it ever made it



Notables also slide, right?


Probably "movies" "picture shows" film, too, are hypnotic! - with anchors, triggers, coding, music triggers?


Watching "the Shining" people who are sensitive to this stuff had some fun jumping off onto different pathways of decoding it?




Kubrick had to be involved in "Occulted" sciences? Wife was niece of 3rd Reich Propagandist film maker, who was sentenced at Nuremberg. Coincidence?

Anonymous ID: a40285 April 14, 2018, 6:48 a.m. No.1038958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8975 >>9109


Nice, after one night.

Bush announced it afterward, but never left nor ended it?

Didn't Bush have a Merkel in his crotch for this photoshoot.

I remember people were frightened when told he actually flew the helicopter there? Or did he?