That's some Assassin's Creed shit. Using a machine to access a person's genetic memories implanted (mutations, more or less) in their chromosomes. Templars vs. Assassins. Black hats vs. White hats. Evil vs. Good. Dark vs. Light.
Agreed. Let's just admit that we're ignorant as fuck and only know as much as Q is willing to divulge. The WH, on the other hand, is sitting on volumes of HUMINT, SIGINT, etc. We're not in a position to make a call one way or the other. I think people will calm down but it's gonna take a little while. My old lady was on Facebook last night looking at "Q stuff" and people were trying to calm down others who were going off about Trump being a warmonger. People posting stuff about the targets.
Let's stipulate, for one second, that the gas attack occurred as stated. Purely hypothetical. That has, NOTHING to do with our troops being there and fighting ISIS. They are two distinct issues. Completely unrelated.