Huh. I slept like a baby, woke up and ZOMG WW3 Q IS A DICK WE'RE DEAD didn't happen.
In fact, POTUS lead a global coalition and delivered precision limited tactical strikes as promised.
He demonstrated his word is bond.
> Except his word to the American people – his supporters who voted for him because he promised no foreign intervention.
He demonstrated to IRAN and RUSSIA that he controls the coalition's military and will act.
>What? How? He seemed to be taking orders.
May came to heel.
Marcon came to heel.
>They led the fucking thing
He dismantled once again the insane fever dream of the left and MSM that he's muh Putin puppet.
>maybe, but if he’s going to take action based on disproving the Left then we’re in for a smorgasbord of shit sandwiches
He proved our military is the greatest fighting force in the history of the planet and will act decisively
>anyone can fire missiles
He smoked out all of the niggers who were playing all along like they supported him
He made fools of every single detractor once again.
He acted from a position of moral strength and validity.
>That’s the narrative anyway.
He positioned our military perfectly to deal with Iran if need be, but as usual he will accomplish his goals with as little violence as possible using backchannels and strong leadership.
>Oh really? He opened the door for ISIS again, creating further instability in the region which, if you ask me, emboldens the radical Islamists of all ME nations.
He continues to MAGA at home and abroad.
>You can’t make America great ABROAD
He still has lobbed left missiles than King Nigger Who Must Be Praised and still proved King Nigger for the fraud his is.
NoName bowed the knee.
>No Name is a pathetic loser who does whatever is expedient in the moment. Tomorrow he’d pull the trigger on impeachment if the opportunity presented itself.
Domestic enemies continue to sperg, impotent and afraid, powerless and clueless, without leadership and without rationality and without support of America
>who cares?
introducing the McGlobalist's new Narrative Burger featuring a 5 oz char grilled fantasy patty on a best case scenario.
Served hot to the board without any sauce.