>Sonny Bono had a fatal collision with a tree
I have seen said tree.
"Shit! They're not buying it! Accuse them of being bad!"
The original plane was to use Covid-19 to usher in the changes they wanted for their NWO. It hasn't worked out quite like they'd hoped.
Nice doggie! Poo wherever you like.
Portlandia declared unlawful assembly. Po-po's telling crowd to leave and if you don't, they're gonna fuck you up.
I think the vaccine is just to make you sick and to provide a way the state can implement something that gets you more clearly under the control of the state. Easy to say you're a danger to society and lock your ass up. Nobody would question it.
"It was the shit."
weak sauce
>So, now we're talking tunnels underground between islands? wth?
Why not? It isn't like there isn't enough technology, money or time to have them. They probably see it like their secret little wonderland of depravity. Sick fucks.