The stock market can only increase in value.
When you print money, the stock market absorbs much of that by way of investment. When the stock market increases in price, the amount of a company you can purchase with your paycheck goes down.
The stock market going up is a side effect of inflation - printing of currency.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. There are two ways this ends. Either the system is overthrown via some application of force - be it under law or raw chaos - or the system wins.
If the system wins, there will never be a return for humanity. You must understand that. It becomes impossible. Humanity will be destroyed through eugenics and the breeding of subservience into the population. It will take time, but it will require people to stand up and destroy civilization if the system wins - and that will never happen after the system wins by destroying patriots.
It's very close to time to shit or get off the pot. In our lifetimes - and we aren't getting any younger. Likely within the next six months, we will know for certain whether or not we need to be the source of said force.