Anonymous ID: e3e12b Aug. 22, 2020, 1:25 p.m. No.10385102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5137

>>10384840 lb




Leveraging the USMCA

read the cap above which is the first paragraph from the attached letter. I wonder what is in the US-China trade agreement?


Anonymous ID: e3e12b Aug. 22, 2020, 1:30 p.m. No.10385137   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Citizens investigation into government corruption

Another way to do public digging

And take your evidence direct to the Courts

With a citizens' prosecution


There were at least 10,000 people!

Norman Traversy - Website -


This is why people have to get out and talk to their neighbors. Is it a COINCIDENCE that COVID19 shut down society WORLDWIDE as the QAnon movement really gained steam? You can hold open public meetings in parks and nobody need to violate the rules of social distancing

Talk To You Neighbors!!!


Anonymous ID: e3e12b Aug. 22, 2020, 1:40 p.m. No.10385212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5224



On the money?

If society is structured in 17 layers

And the top 4 are

  1. Priesthood

  2. Kings

  3. Nobility

  4. Knightly Orders who pledge to DEFEND the top 3


And then a bunch of people have a plan

To cut out the to 4 layers of the social order

And only have 13 layers

With the gap at the top filled by God

Who is the creator of every one of us

And who can act through all of us collectively

What would that look like symbolically?


At the top where God is

Replacing the top 4 layers of the old system

It says He Favors Our Undertakings

And below where there are only 13 layers in the social order


A New Order Of The Ages.


The Founding Fathers intended the USA

To set and example

For aNew World Order

America First

And the rest of the world will follow

But the Satanic monarchists and their minions

Did not want that to happen

And so they infiltrated everything

To enforce a vision of Neofeudalism

And create aNeofeudalist World Order

Ruled by a Communist Technocracy.


Which way do you choose?

Anonymous ID: e3e12b Aug. 22, 2020, 1:46 p.m. No.10385245   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I'm pretty sure it already happened in 2008

And the Cabal has just been holding things together


Until they could get theirGreat Resetplans in order

For the WE Forum meeting in Davos in January.


For fun, trace the Rhine river all the way up, into Switzerland, and note how it appears to start, at the lake right beside Davos. Coincidence? Remember that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, at a small village beside Lake Victoria, near where it flows into the beginning of the Nile river. And why would all those Somali immigrants want to live in freezing cold Minnesota, near the beginning of the Mississippi river? Symbolism…

Anonymous ID: e3e12b Aug. 22, 2020, 1:48 p.m. No.10385258   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Your Jewish shilling has long been found out.

You are wasting your time repeating that nonsense.

We know that Jews are the slaves of Babylon' not the architects or the rulers.

Anonymous ID: e3e12b Aug. 22, 2020, 2:09 p.m. No.10385389   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It was a bit more complicated than that…'_and_the_collapse_of_the_Khazarian_state


Svyatoslav I, the Grand Prince of the Kievan Rus, destroyed the capital of the Khazar empire, Atil. Once it was razed, meaning all buildings destroyed orchards cut down, and food stores burned, the remaining Khazars split up and moved elsewhere. Not all were Jews, just the ruling tribe and those Jews who had moved up from Persia because it was a Jewish state.


The Rus themselves were becoming more powerful and better organized, and their center of rule shifted away from Kiev to the north. Meanwhile, the Jews of Khazaria favored the lands near Kiev to settle, and began working their magic in Kiev, probably because they saw it as the power center of their enemy.


However the power of the Rus, was the people and the land, unlike Khazaria whose power was strategic locations, fortresses, and extortion of money from trade flows. So while the Jews went after control of Kiev, the Rus expanded by clearing forests, building farms and towns all over the place. They were BUILDERS and they built a webwork of trade flows that was almost impossible to control for extortion.


In the eyes of the old order, this was their greatest sin. The Rus were too democratic.

Anonymous ID: e3e12b Aug. 22, 2020, 2:21 p.m. No.10385459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5481 >>5482 >>5500 >>5530 >>5550 >>5578


Makes perfect sense

This is a bathhouse.

It is the Hammam Yalbugha at the foot of Aleppo fortress in Syria.

This fortress was occupied by ISIS for many years

Makes you wonder what kind of tunnels are under the fortress and the mosque that sits on top of the hill.

Could there be a hidden ancient temple of Baal in the tunnels under the mosque?

And maybe even a secret tunnel connecting to the bathhouse?

So that folks can wash up after a bloody sacrifice ritual?


Unfortunately the moron crew on this board

Not understanding that everything Q drops is a LIE

Went digging on Epstein Island

Without even bothering to study the USGS reports for the place.


It will eventually come out

That ISIS was a pagan religious cult

And they were actually hunting for relics

In the land once ruled by the priests of Baal

They had the idea that they could find the mummy of an ancient King

Take his DNA and use it to create a new cloned human

With the same royal DNA of Nimrod

Just like in the movie Jupiter Ascending

And the TV series Andromeda


Their symbolism will be their downfall

Anonymous ID: e3e12b Aug. 22, 2020, 2:28 p.m. No.10385500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5630


Symbolism of ISIS

Check out the ISIS black flags


The ISIS logo has 3 lines of letters

It appears to say Mohammed is the Messenger of God

But it is written backwards from bottom to top.


The bottom row has Mohammed's name like a snake with two fangs

Isis was the ancient Egyptian snake goddess.


The middle row has twin towers at either end

And in between the letters look like 3 lines and a circle


The top row also has letters that look like 3 lines and a circle.

They were trying to make their MAGICK SPELL more powerful this way.

Symbolism will be their downfall


I also include the shahada written out

With each letter separated

So you can check them out yourself

Even if you don't know Arabic

The flag is not written naturally


What I'm saying is that this is a sign of a Cabal project

So the SCO would also appear to be one of those

And the Russia name has the initials


And you can clearly see

3 lines, a circle and a snake

By the way, the 3 lines of the logo

Are the pale green ones

Compare with the red ones

In the Obama logo


For good measure, another symbol

With 3 lines and a circle

Anonymous ID: e3e12b Aug. 22, 2020, 2:46 p.m. No.10385630   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Note that I am not claiming

That this art corresponds to the ISIS logo

But I am saying

That I see Thelema themes in it

Similar to the way Thelema was the basis

For the ISIS, Obama and Peace movement logos

Remember that the PEACE logo

Heralded the death and destruction of

Over 200,000 American men of fighting age

Including untold number not included in casualty counts

Who were broken psychologically by the reception they got

From the PEACE movement on their return


In the photo of the art

I see 3 main elements

There is the circle

There is the snake, ISHT in Egyptian

Translated to ISIS in Greek

God said I am the Alpha and the Omega


AMERICA has A at the beginning and the end

And the A is a dick with two dangly balls

This is even more obvious in the Papal symbol

Which uses Alpha as a capital

And Omega as lower case


It says I am the Alpha and the Alpha

Me the one with the dick

A?A? Astrum Argenteum

Of Aleister Crowley

I'm suspicious of the R in the upside down keystone position

But haven't figured it out

Maybe the whole photo should be looked at upside down.

? to ? The dick to the butt

Beside Floyd's face are two roses

Well-known global socialist symbol

Used by Labor in Britain and DSA in US.


I would love to dig deeper into Thelema and the shahadah

As this writer does


But I will note that the English translation

There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God.

Has IS in it twice and begins with TH


Anonymous ID: e3e12b Aug. 22, 2020, 2:53 p.m. No.10385686   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The MORON crew again

This was a ROMAN ARCH

Built to commemorate the Roman conquest of Palmyra

Yes, it was built on the road to Baal's temple

But that's so that the worshippers of Baal

Would be reminded of their defeat


And then who destroyed this arch finally??????