Note that I am not claiming
That this art corresponds to the ISIS logo
But I am saying
That I see Thelema themes in it
Similar to the way Thelema was the basis
For the ISIS, Obama and Peace movement logos
Remember that the PEACE logo
Heralded the death and destruction of
Over 200,000 American men of fighting age
Including untold number not included in casualty counts
Who were broken psychologically by the reception they got
From the PEACE movement on their return
In the photo of the art
I see 3 main elements
There is the circle
There is the snake, ISHT in Egyptian
Translated to ISIS in Greek
God said I am the Alpha and the Omega
AMERICA has A at the beginning and the end
And the A is a dick with two dangly balls
This is even more obvious in the Papal symbol
Which uses Alpha as a capital
And Omega as lower case
It says I am the Alpha and the Alpha
Me the one with the dick
A?A? Astrum Argenteum
Of Aleister Crowley
I'm suspicious of the R in the upside down keystone position
But haven't figured it out
Maybe the whole photo should be looked at upside down.
? to ? The dick to the butt
Beside Floyd's face are two roses
Well-known global socialist symbol
Used by Labor in Britain and DSA in US.
I would love to dig deeper into Thelema and the shahadah
As this writer does
But I will note that the English translation
There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Has IS in it twice and begins with TH