you don't pray for animals to pray for animals.
you pray for animals to pray for yourself
you don't pray for animals to pray for animals.
you pray for animals to pray for yourself
>Barr already gave immunity to Brennan.
you got sauce or just shitting the bread?
your ex just posted about you on facebook.
you might want to check it out before you post anymoar.
Dinesh D'Souza
The word Lucifer means “light” or “bearer of light.” Could this be what Joe Biden and the Democrats have in mind when they say they will be the party of light?
==August 21, 2020
Biden Terrorists Unleashed On Child As “Commie Fest 2020” Ghost Convention Becomes Satanic Ritual==
By: Sorcha Faal
And while this terrified child was being comforted by his mother and the other Trump supporters who witnessed this display of demonic rage, then saw Joe Biden officially accepting the socialist Democrat Party nomination to be their presidential candidate—and in accepting,saw Biden giving an acceptance speech invoking “The Angel of Light Lucifer” with his declaration: “The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long…I will be an ally of the light, not the darkness”—a declaration well known to Christians, Jews and Muslims the world over—all of whom know that Satan and his allies invert the truth to claim the light for themselves.
>Satan to America
>Now can you Normies see it?
> Democrats have in mind when they say they will be the party of light?
party of Lucifer and their convention logo
add in all of the deaths and destruction by their antifa soldiers
By: David Brody
CBN News has learned that the words, “under God” were left out of the Pledge of Allegiance at least twice at public meetings during the Democratic National Convention.
Mnuchin Paved Way for U.S.P.S. Shake-Up
Kenneth P. Vogel, Jessica Silver-Greenberg, Alan Rappeport and Hailey Fuchs 2 hrs ago
WASHINGTON — In early February, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin invited two Republican members of the Postal Service’s board of governors to his office to update him on a matter in which he had taken a particular interest — the search for a new postmaster general.