Australian MSM subscribes to the mirror-world version of good science. Because we're Down Under and everything is opposite right? So you see, down here apparently there is LESS chance of you catching or spreading coronavirus when you're cooped up inside during the current damp and cold weather in Melbourne, rather than getting outside, in the open air, where there might be a few sun-rays and you naturally would have more distance from other people. I mean, that's why flu in Australia only spreads during the hot, summer, sunny season, but not in our winter, right? Because… oh wait a minute. That's not true. Flu season peaks in Australia during our wet, damp and cold months just like in the rest of the world . Well, I guess cornavirus is different in Australia and defies the science that applies in the rest of the world because we're in the southern hemisphere. I mean even Dr Birx kept saying that the anomalous, contradictory data she was sharing was because "every country is different" (which of course is just true and not just a convenient excuse to allow every country to say and do whatever they want, as they test different methods of population control). Hey where is Birx that cunt lately, anyway? I love her because she's so honest and caring.