In progress review
In the late 90’s I learned there were people you could not arrest. These people were guilty of crimes against humanity, pedos and frauds. They were from both sides of the isle, so to speak. In 2010, I observed the spoils of war that included harvesting children from A war zone by our state department via “others”. Again, we could not intervene. Awful…Yet, I loved the ride and the challenge.
When q came online in 2017, he eluded to a movement to stop them. 3 1/2 years later we have a handful of low level traffickers and three mid level pedos arrested. Wow. So. Unimpressive. Q also gave us a glimmer of hope about a possible future where truth about our history, new tech and space would be revealed. Empty words? Why? He also said this was not about another election, but here we are and it has everything to do about the next election. Lies, deceit, and half truths. None the less, I have learned more truths because of Q’s revelations and for that, I am thankful. Everyone has an end, not all make it to the very end.
Combat vets were given dangerous meds. 22 self terminated per day x 15+ years. That is four reserve and highly trained Army’s gone. We are not stronger now by any means. Further more, most vets dumped those dangerous VA meds in masse. A lot of us found that cannabis helped. The American Legion, our lobby group, pushed for legalization…Think the government or those who say they support us care? The Wounded Warrior Program WWP receives millions each year, I am a WW? They sent me a throw and a beer coozie…yea, they wanted me to take a vacation and watch wealthy performers and expensive guides get paid even more money, so that is what your donations did for vets. We have forgotten about more vets than we will ever remember…hard truth.
Most home owners are under bone crushing interest, think we might get help with that? No, think again. How much did we, the tax payers, give Israel, bezos, Tesla, corrupt state governments? My state received enough CARE money to send every resident 1/2 a million dollars and still have reserves, think that’s gonna happen? Same old corrupt and complicit administration/government/foundations? The evidence is right in front of you…
Are things really getting better? Any new tech reached you? Any truth about our history been released? Any truth about how we reached the moon in the 60’s but never again…by any country? Why the hell would we trust anyone in government or business now? Sheeple? We gonna keep being slaves until we decide not to be?
Are we awake? I voted for trump…absolutely nothing has changed for me and we are more divided than ever. Why? Well, each president has pushed the divide further…do you see it? It is just a game, they are acting out their predisposed plans and we either chomp and scream or watch from above at the symphony of wolves and sheep. Both are necessary and required for this story; see the 80k view?
The 4d and 5d chess games have depth below, same as above. Some are pawns, some are knights, bishops, queen, king…with legions above and below with higher kings and queens at there pinnacles. As above, so below. The game must proceed…gains and losses are observed and there are pieces that advance and pieces that fall. Patient, methodical, dedicated are both sides. What is the goal? To destroy the opponent? Or to learn from them? Have we learned enough? Or do we need more lessons of fear and love? Dark and Light? When does the game end?
When Light loves Dark/ Dark loves Light?
Are we focusing on what we hate the most from our past and completely blind to where we are headed into the future? Agenda 21 is still progressing, is it not?
Who are the Bishops? Knights? Rooks?
~Operators Active…
“Jokers Wild”
Yaw, PewPew