The fact that you get so many (You)s really is a testament to just how much the average retard here loves to debate with obvious shills. I hope your overall experiment is going well, Mr. Clearly Just a Shill and Totally Not Anything More.
I'd say that would be some Inception-tier shit.
>LARP within a LARP within a LARP
>"Oops! We fucked up our state!"
>"Better head to the next one and change absolutely nothing about our lifestyles or voting habits!"
Everything worth talking about or researching has been done to death. Even Q does mostly re-runs when they bother to post.
I've concluded the "research" part of the cyber war has ended, we're in the "hurry up and wait" purgatory intermission stage. We have all our ammo, we've made all our preparations, we have our attack date (11.3) and now we sit in the trenches and count rocks for a few months. Newfags are fresh-faced recruits, shills are the enemy's reconnaissance parties so predictable at this point that they aren't even a threat, and we're the cynical 1000-yd stare fags just wanting to get it over with already.
They wish.