Anons, I have a question about today's "Save our Children" rally in Hollywood. Out of a couple hundred people, I only counted 3 American flags and only 1 Trump 2020 flag. Also, out of the whole bunch I only saw 2 Red MAGA Hats. Also, dark clothes, no Patriotic shirts. If there is a Q rally, there should be a sea of Red MAGA hats. What is going on here? Also, I saw "Isaac Kappy" signs. I know this was organized by a fag and a Scientologist is one of the main Save our Children leaders so this seems super suspect to me. Lastly, the energy of a Q rally/Trump rally is filled with high energy and God's love. I saw massive positive energy from the cars passing by and honking but I don't know about this. What do you guys think?
What kind of FF do you anticipate from these rallies? Do you think they're planning on sending antifa to fight them at one of these rallies and create an FF with an obvious "poor antifa guy got beat up by q supporter" kind of thing? What do you make of their abolish ice signs? You think they're rying to convince new Q researchers that we all want that too?