>>10388675 lb
The vaccine has always been OPTIONAL.
Trump keeps his promises.
Those who want to keep their doctor (or vaccine) will be able to keep their doctor (or vaccine).
Trump keeps his promises.
However, this is a vaccine for the Common Cold virus that causes the most pneumonia deaths every year.
Get it?
Old folks will be able to take a safe vaccine
So they don't have to die a horrible death running up big medical bills in the process.
And now that the process of making a vaccine has been greatly streamlined (read up on the technical details of how Russia did it) we can make inexpensive vaccines for other problematic Common Cold viruses like Adenovirus and Rhinovirus. Just those 3 species will be enough to eliminate the common cold,
Because Corona-, Adeno-. and Rhino- viruses are the three that cause the worst symptoms which cause people to cancel holidays, take time off work, etc.
Many people will CHOOSE to take these vaccines.
Big Pharma will really be feeling the pain when the full story of this comes out.
And if you are scared of INJECTIONS
Then consider take the Vaxart vaccine when it is ready.
It will be an enteric-coated pill like those aspirin 81
And I believe you only take it for 4 days to get the immunity.
P.S. don't listen to the crowd of MORONS with their one line posts.
They are likely all Big Pharma shills setting you up for some scam or other.