>But wait there's moar
Mods fucked up by deleting it.
Way to wake up even moar people, Glowies.
>But wait there's moar
Mods fucked up by deleting it.
Way to wake up even moar people, Glowies.
Where do you think most of the oldfags came from?
They've been all over the map.
/x/, then /bant/ then last 2 weeks actually letting them stay up.
Then KEK willed it tonight and full scale panic set in.
Things are getting interdasting now.
If Watkins was smarter instead of crying about "those people" leaving after November he'd be hatching a plan to recruit from half instead.
excellent Anon
Link it normally so everyone can see it otherwise you're just being a fag.
To debate or not to debate?
To switch candidates or not switch candidates?
The waiting to find out is the hardest part.
My bad I see that it was an ancient link.
Been a spate of anons doing the not gonna show the link thing lately so I chimped out momentarily and fraggd ya.
Kek will punish me somehow for that.
The funny thing is the last 2 weeks the mods/jannies have been leaving the Q threads alone.
So anons weren't bothering with trying to be sneaky any more.
Then digits came (I still think Q may have pulled a fast one there) and panic happened.
Zero sum game especially after all the shit Kamala said.