Anonymous ID: 2744d6 Aug. 23, 2020, 4:33 a.m. No.10390809   🗄️.is 🔗kun



N: Naturally, selfishness is always destructive.

Desire and fear, both are self centred states, between desire and fear anger arises, with anger, hatred, with hatred passion for destruction.

War is hatred in action; organised and equip with all the instruments of death.


Q: Is there any way to end these horrors?


N: When more people come to know their real nature, their influence, however subtle, will prevail and the world’s emotional atmosphere will see more light for truth. 

People follow their leaders and when among the leaders appears some great and heartened mind and free from self interests, their impact will be enough to make the crudites and crimes of the present age impossible. A new golden age may come and last for a time and succumb to its own perfection. For ebb begins when the tide is at its highest.


-Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj- I Am That