What does privacy in the future look like?
There has to be a an individual, personal privacy. Also couple, family and group privacy. Tiers of privacy. Whadya mean there's 'no' privacy?
That sux. Identify the law breakersโฆ, stick the head in for check ups.., but all the time would be seedy & unbearableโฆ wouldn't it? Who looks at this shit?
I don't trust the ability of context.
mega notable
Children need great parents and a network of society managers that have a beautiful future in mind.
Are those those eyes?
Myth Busters tried that.
Of course I said that. Geez.
Please lay off Hong Kongk President Xi. Shite, not up to youโฆ that's right. Lay off bullies.
psychological & psychiatric notable I think
I'd rather you try disprove it. You knowโฆ the Scientific Method & all.
Do It notable
You show me yours and we'll show you ours. You have to go first because it's fucking disgusting.
I love this.
What really happened to Azaria?