Anonymous ID: 1f1123 Aug. 23, 2020, 6:29 a.m. No.10391349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1359 >>1479 >>1841 >>1910 >>1967


At this point, the only election result is a defacto vote of no confidence. Seated government officials and party leaders will argue that the quadrillions of mail in and vote by text votes are valid and the 240 dodecatillion votes for biden make him the winner.

Everyone who isn't retarded will wonder how there were more votes than atoms in the multiverse's combined alternate timelines, and if Biden truly won, but the people we are supposed to listen to per our due process will make any review of the process impossible or equally corrupt.


The government then defaults to a military government and all state and local authority is abdicated to the military as though it was an occupied territory. There are continuity of government contingencies that include this scenario and it is basically the end of the U.S. and requires a new constitutional government be brought back into power under military supervision.


There is no way by which an election occurs with a peaceful transition of power and the only situation where the country doesn't collapse into civil war is one where the military dissolves all extant government, starts executing one side or the other, and then re-instates a government.


If we haven't all been rendered sterile by this vaccine that people are having wet dreams about making mandatory.

That shit needs to be btfo'd like two weeks ago, because there will be a complete breakdown of social order if there is even so much as a distributed vaccine.

I will see to it, or the world will see why I died trying to prevent it.

Anonymous ID: 1f1123 Aug. 23, 2020, 6:57 a.m. No.10391504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1783


At this point, I do not care.

The police in that region refuse to arrest the criminals at any tier while harassing generally law abiding citizens.

The people in that region are better served by mob justice than whatever it is they have for a justice system.


To that end, no one has done more to wake people up to this than the portland and other rioters.

They have assisted us so much so that I consider them allies at this point. Or more like the hornets in a nest that our enemies thought would be a good idea to start fucking with. I'm smart enough to not fuck with hornets and also have confidence in my ability to neutralize the threat they pose.


So whatever. If they want to set their police on fire, perhaps the police should arrest their fucking mayor and prosecuting attorneys. If they can't figure that out and choose to remain in the uniform… You can't fix stupid. So let the impossible to teach fight the unwilling to learn and see which one survives.

Maybe we can hand out weapons and bet on the outcome. A small case study in our foreign policy at home.

Anonymous ID: 1f1123 Aug. 23, 2020, 7:08 a.m. No.10391612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1659 >>1841 >>1910 >>1967


All of these are dramatic examples, even my own.

What will happen is that states will have in person elections and mail-in ballots for some states. There will be extreme disagreement on the validity of each, as removing mail ballots means people who were 'confused' and 'thought they voted properly' will have their votes thrown out. But of course how many people got ballots that shouldn't have and sent them in?


The result is no one can agree on what constitutes a valid vote. Complete and total collapse of the democratic process with no confidence in any outcomes where mail in ballots were implemented.


There is no way to resolve that without someone picking up a big stick and smacking a few dicks while barking some orders.

Anonymous ID: 1f1123 Aug. 23, 2020, 7:22 a.m. No.10391711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1726


The problem is that The Party has infiltrated the military. And the Guard.

Not completely and not very well at the rank and file level… But enough so to interrupt organization and coherence of action.