Anonymous ID: 1f6c5d Aug. 23, 2020, 7:55 a.m. No.10391942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1986

What you believe…


Some were born into the religion/belief/faith of Christ,

Some to Jehovah, some to Mohammed, some to Lucifer

Some to Satan, some to buhda, some to the Hindu faiths,

Some to the natural, some to the pagan.


I grew up in asluT. Satanism was very popular. A lot of my friends followed this path. Different and weird at times, but I love them.

I grew up around Christians, different and weird at times, but I love them. I went to war in a Muslim nation, but I love them. This was not always the case, but I love them ALL now.


The beliefs carried in each religion conflict with each other; dare I say crafted to conflict with each other. Nonetheless, all are present and all are protected under our constitution and bill of rights….see the problem? No matter how much we hate ((their)) practices, our constitution gives them freedom to express ((their)) faith. It should then, be a concern that our laws are written, after the constitution and bill of rights, that conflict with the endeavors of some faiths. Which has more power, the laws of the USA or the religions included in the first amendment? All religions…


If a child is indoctrinated into a self service faith, are we to judge them according to our laws that contradict their beliefs? We have not begun to explore this problem. It is not new. It is a very old problem. Now, more than ever, we need to think about this. All this hate being pushed because of the actions of many that have abused people and children is going to meet the 1st amendment at some point. How UNITED are we now? See why they want laws to be addressed? They are asking for their beliefs to be recognized as legal too…


Or the righteous can just kill them off, so they think, but the Beast always rises….every time. Love the Beast too?


See the real picture yet?


Why didn’t Weinstein, Epstein and Gizwald peruse protection under their religion? Because it would reveal certain truths about Judaism…inconvenient truths?


We are gonna play hate games until we do not


Our founding fathers thoughts are old news. What are we going to do now? Hate those that are different or love All? Without All, we have no story, strife or learning…


Are you Grown or still a child?


Yaw, PewPew