if cars could fly there would be no more air liners needed
and thus we would have far fewer air liner disasters.
don't encourage piggish behavior
remember to floss every so often
remember to replace your toothbrush every so often.
don't use the toothbrush
for other uses unless it's not going to be
a tooth bruth
any more.
don't encourage bad behavior.
well Kammy is a cabal-gal, it seems.
I mean her sister is named 'Maya' but isn't Mayan.
and Kama pretends to be an African American, but she's Fake-Jamaican (not that she doesn't have family that lived there for a while, but they aren't 'ja-man Jamaicans' so she's a fraud in that regard.
and why shouldn't she be proud of her 'slaver-irish/south asian ' heritage?
oh they must have heroic stories about all the heroic carpet bagging that they have done for generations upon generations.
dip shit in union states, like New Jersey, it's illegal to pump your own gas. that's my recollection, I haven't been there in a while.
they know it's really him and don't want a law suit?
you can easily find out on your own, anon.
just road trip through New Jersey and try to find a self-serve gas station.
unless they have changed the law, they don't exist.
that's why pepole drive to Florida via Bushkill and Mattamorous.
just a point: and maybe I am kidding, but I've never agreed with anyone who posts anything here (and I am kidding) especially myself.
this is a place for messages, like a free 'classified ads' of people's memes and shitposts.
if you don't like what you see, say something else.
Free speech comes at the cost of those who want to control everything realizing that in a normal world the canaries, us 'yellow' people who go silent when shit gets bad . . .us canaries demand that you let us sing.
and censorship of the AI variety does not allow that.
we are merely chiming what plebes have said for hundreds of generations: we will have our voices heard.
so they can try to shut down one of the last places where unfettered opinion will be still allowed, and the canaries will still be singing.
we'll find some other method to convey our opinions and comments.
they can't shut us up short of active open tyranny and they know this.
I hope you don't mean with a fist?
if it's a printed photograph sometimes they punch it with an identification marker, and those hanging chads . . . you know, like an old punched card.
but a punched card isn't punched by a fist and we don't want the Belmost crowd to be . . . rattled and shaken.
he's used to having his word be heard, you now his dad whaz a kangish kind of 'MSM - hero' (the jukebox hero music is playing in the back ground).
is it this guys' fault that he was born with the silver rattle and the trust fund and the heroic story of 'escape' which was really a great big lie?
There once was a man from Gay Head
about whom Anjel believed what was said
but some said he died in a plane
and the fame fag is lame
but we're all so happy to hear that he's wed!
(a hopeful prediction for fame fag)
please ammend my post to say 'in some union states' but it's fair to say that it is, in fact, only New Jersey that I know that is like that.
and given the way that they ran the highways to cause havoc against political rivals (that traffic jam that always exists at exit 9 on the NJ turnpike) I always try to avoid having to go through there.
but it used to be fun to make that trip to DC like a tourist to see blossoms, before I realized how horrid some of the partisans there really are. the new regime makes it impossible to just drive there without being hassled by automatic false ticketting (with cameras) even if you aren't speeding. (so I've heard)
but ya, Jersey isn't a fun place to drive through.
for example if you are on one of the highways there will be a sign that says 'food stop rest area' if you take the exit a little sign says it's 5 miles through some industrial park to get there.
so I'd rather just cross over the GWB and use Manhattan as my truck stop. pull in, park on the street, walk to a restauarnt, treat it like a rest stop. That's gotten hard to do too.
you people are correct, NJ is the only state so to say i't's because it's 'union' is incorrect.
you know in your heart he's a gushing patriot, right?