Nice, the millionth time you've posted this psyop meme trying to get a reaction. You have posted this in every single thread.
You missed the second part where it tells you to trust Obama and the queen.
Nice, the millionth time you've posted this psyop meme trying to get a reaction. You have posted this in every single thread.
You missed the second part where it tells you to trust Obama and the queen.
Not letting you off the hook that easy ce5anon baker faggot gatekeeper gaslighter clown. Since you were stupid enough to post that meme again I'll show the anons right where you tried to infiltrate truth legion again for the third time while using those memes. It's only ever been you posting that meme, and you've done it every single thread.
A fantastic read from here.
This is where the shill starts posting with these memes trying to get a reaction at TL when he discovered they had collected evidence from all these threads proving hes trying to control the discussions here. Also where the genius autists at truth legion tie evidence together to prove this psyop meme faggot is the same baker faggot gatekeeper controlling these threads. Ce5anon = grierfag all the same shill in these threads. You pretended to leave after you spammed the last bread but yup there you are again.
If anons read that link and the past breads they'll see everything tie together. You deliberately post those memes over and over again for a specific reason, but you're too stupid to realize some of us have watched you from the start.
"When you are not creating positive energy, you are actively supporting the energy of the dark side, whether you know it or not. Only a loving spirit and a loving soul are equipped to deal with negative forces of all kinds"
this is how the gatekeeper clowns sell their narratives. They tie in the law of one vibrations bullshit to make it seem like they are such peaceful and spiritually enlightened beings and this makes others associate love with their info. It's how they fool people into the sacrosanct information they dont want you to question. Once again you've used this same type of angle every single thread to sell the mainstream Gaia narratives.
You're being watched grierfag