Anonymous ID: d029f6 Aug. 31, 2020, 4:55 p.m. No.10487775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8840 >>7384 >>1788



>You have posted this in every single thread.








>…to make it seem like they are such peaceful and spiritually enlightened beings and this makes others associate love with their info.




>I got a funny feeling if anons go back and read previous breads they'll see him using these memes trying to piss people off and have them explain over and over why this guide is a psyop




>Spiritual Gaslighting




>Funny how the spiritual gaslighter also happens to be the one poking around for a reaction with CE-5


After all this Time do you still believe in coincidences?

Sometimes Anons must go back in order to go forward.

Org. discoveries impeded.

All assets deployed.

[They] want you focused only on the [L]IGHT.

"See the wall for what it is and then tear it down, for the truth is waiting."

<Lights on. - Q

Anonymous ID: d029f6 Sept. 28, 2020, 3:19 p.m. No.10826779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6910 >>2854 >>6626 >>7384 >>8178

"What we need to do is spell the right word(s) with the right key(s)."

"Remember, you were told that words have meaning."

"Do not make the mistake of overlooking this revelation."

""Coincidence" is merely some made up word. It has no place in mathematics."

"Things truly happen for a reason."




>What is grierfag?




>He controlled the bakes and all the notables and has right up until this bread.




>Not letting you off the hook that easy ce5anon baker…




>You do realize how incredibly obvious you make it when your little narrative is challenged?




>You've been the gatekeeper of these threads since the third.




>Which leads to the Q matrix posts that you desperately censor from notables in literally every single thread here. You've demonstrated for years by dictating notables and only letting the tiniest bit of deeper esoteric info from reaching the notables which forms your consensus basis. You've deliberately ignored the autists connections to those Q posts, and for good reason, as it decimates your "all aliens are good" narrative.




>Oh yeah remember Qs post about the Matrix? You know, the one about humanity being mind controlling and used (farmed) for our energy? The one that says that the end won't be for everyone? And that the choice to know will be yours? Why do you think this gatekeeper baker clown has been so fucking desperate to deliberately ignore all these posts from notables after anons linked INFORMATION and SAUCE of the "Matrix" reference directly being linked to LOOSH and the HUMAN FARM we live in?






>After all these years I cannot help but feel anything but pity for you.




>Your cadence is known now Anon




>When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

>anti-slide bump




>anti-slide bump




>anti-slide bump


Patterns are fun.

<Nothing to See Here. - Q

Anonymous ID: d029f6 Sept. 28, 2020, 3:26 p.m. No.10826910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2854 >>6626 >>7384

"What we need to do is spell the right word(s) with the right key(s)."

"Remember, you were told that words have meaning."

"Do not make the mistake of overlooking this revelation."

""Coincidence" is merely some made up word. It has no place in mathematics."

"Things truly happen for a reason."




>When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.




Irony is fun.

Anonymous ID: d029f6 Oct. 21, 2020, 4:11 p.m. No.11197841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8178







>Wait a second didn't ce5anon grierfag used to use that particular smiley face emote? It's a very uncommon smiley face with the dash added to it. Definitely recall the baker gate keepers using that one in particular.




>Your patterns are completely known to all of the autists here.


"patterns of human behaviour."

Do you believe in coincidences?

Anonymous ID: d029f6 Oct. 21, 2020, 4:29 p.m. No.11198178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1804

"What we need to do is spell the right word(s) with the right key(s)."

"Remember, you were told that words have meaning."

"Do not make the mistake of overlooking this revelation."

""Coincidence" is merely some made up word. It has no place in mathematics."

"Things truly happen for a reason."




>anti-slide bump




>"patterns of human behaviour."

<Follow the pattern. - Q




>You are merely focusing on the fact that particular Twitter account name is related to "Incarnation" and "ET's". The users account name is irrelevant, the information provided is not. You have used this weak correlation as a means to justify your Kabamur related "incarnated extraterrestrial" LARP for years. You focus only on the account name, not the context of the information provided.




>Q has stated that everything posted has meaning, Q however has never stated for Anons to look into deeper meanings behind Twitter account names, nor has Q ever confirmed any information based purely on a Twitter account name. Also keep in mind that Q has replied to bad actors and famefags and gate keepers on Twitter. Just because Q links a twat it doesn't mean that person is a patriot, nor does it confirm the assertations or presumptions made by their account name.




>Valid points are made regarding your tangential selective narratives based on Twitter account names that Q has replied to but you only pick and choose when its convenient to align to your perpetual incarnated ET Kabamur narratives which are designed to fool normies into thinkig these individuals are somehow more important than others because they are "incarnated light beings sent on a mission to help humanity" when really all it's for is putting those individuals onna pedestle in Hope's of normies taking their disinfo at face value. No, clowns like Kabamur are not sent here on a mission, nor is Kabamur Q like hes claimed to be as signing off messages with "Q" at the end. All of these attempts to galvanize the incarnated ET LARPs have always been directly related to Kabamur in these threads so people will follow his disinfo.




>The star seed psy op is another method to create authority figures based on false spiritualism which easily fools the masses. Religion being the greatest mechanism of sowing lies and beliefs into individual spiritualism, the new age psy op is designed to control the more open minded non-religious types who are researching extraterrestrials. Normies will believe anything if it revolves around spirituality and things they want to believe.


Sometimes file names can be important.

Anonymous ID: d029f6 Oct. 22, 2020, 3:57 p.m. No.11221788   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>[They] want you focused only on the [L]IGHT.




>The universe is all both good and evil, light and dark, and to refuse to accept either is to refuse the most basic nature of duality. Attacking evil is the only way to defeat it, acknowledging the good is the only way to strengthen it.




>Some people spend way too much time trying to defeat evil by talking shit about evil.

>To defeat evil you primarily have to recognize and spread good.


Contrast is important.

To defeat evil 1 must first recognize evil.

Do you believe it is a coincidence that Q replied to this Anon's message just recently?

<Evil [darkness] has never been so exposed to light. - Q