>lOoK aT mE gO!
>cOmE tO uNcEnSoReD sItE aNd AnNoUnCe ThAt I fIlTeReD yOu
god damn fucking normalfaggots
>lOoK aT mE gO!
>cOmE tO uNcEnSoReD sItE aNd AnNoUnCe ThAt I fIlTeReD yOu
god damn fucking normalfaggots
the "kekekekekek……..hgjknhgrker……gdzrjkg……"lol"……..zjkbgjkzbng" fucking shill nigger replied top kek.
every single time.
unworthy of being on the chans fuck.
if only you knew what kek really stood for in chan world.
it isn't the korean "lol" either.