Thank you Baker (s) and Note Takers
Canadian Patriots, Saving Children from Predators
Love and Light, Flotus
fame faggot…errr lesbian
fuckjng apologist…what the hell!
(YOU) are not feared. WE, the PEOPLE own you. Go ahead and run, but you cannot hide nor will you ever be safe to walk down the street…EVER.
>MAGNITUDE of this operation?
(YOU) type fancy words but you have no idea of what (you) are talking
Admittedly until 2015, I did just that. Admittedly, when President Trump announced he was running in 2016, I hated everything about him. Then I woke up, real hard and real fast. Try it. You'll like it.
Human? He tried to fuck a child; that is not HUMAN. He needs to go and be shamed for the rest of his life!
That too
(YOU) are a naughty, naughty BOY. Go to your basement and make your own fucking samich!
What is mega? Make Elephants Great Again? fucker, shut up and go away
Don't dox the TWIT here…I don't care, knew she was trash from her post.
what does that tell you
>>10393962 <<<-–this is also a shill
I only know that I was called into service by POTUS during one way too drunken night, he invaded my sleep-it-off to tell me that I needed to shape the fuck up, I was needed and that my purpose would be revealed to me.
After a few days of twitter bashing him for invading my dreams, I had my purpose revealed to me and here I am. SUCK IT
You are sick and need to seek the closest KYS available
a DEVIANT is not gay or homosexual…just DEVIANT
If you've lost FAITH in Q, imagine how Q feels about you!