As the Minutes Pass It’s Clear John Brennan Is In a World of Trouble – Friday’s ‘Interview’ Must Have Been Devastating
John Brennan claims he’s not the subject of a criminal investigation and John Durham told him so. However, it’s more likely Brennan committed perjury numerous times in their eight hour get-together on Friday.
As we reported yesterday, John Brennan is the king of corrupt spin. It looks like all things related to the Trump – Russia collusion fairy tale go back to Brennan. The interactions between the US and foreign entities most likely involved the CIA and lead back to Brennan. It’s all Brennan. This is why it’s puzzling when you hear the word on the street that Brennan is not the subject of the Durham investigation.
But note that the above comes from Brennan’s spokesman (yesterday we mistakenly stated attorneys). This does not come from the Durham team. We have heard little to nothing from the Durham team.
We noted yesterday Adam Housley’s tweets like Durham never said publicly that John Brennan is not the subject of a criminal investigation:
Brennan’s team is more likely similar to Baghdad Bob than the truth:
Brennan is claiming this is all politics. Of course he is. What else can Brennan do – admit he spied on the Presidential candidate from the opposing party, lied before Congress and the American people, put in place faulty information that led to a Special Counsel based on lies from the Hillary Clinton campaign and attempted a coup of the Trump Presidency?
Of course, Brennan is a target. Many believe Brennan is the mastermind.
We know that the fact that the Durham team is now interviewing Brennan indicates they are near the end of their investigation.
Brennan is at the top. An investigation like this starts at the bottom and works its way up. By the time Durham interviews Brennan, the underlings have been thoroughly reviewed and hopefully all facts have been laid out.
Some participants are likely talking. We reported in an interview on the Howie Carr show in April with former US Attorney Joe DiGenova that Obama FBI General Counsel James Baker was singing like a bird.
DiGenova discussed the Durham investigation and said that Durham was building a conspiracy case and anyone who lied to the court will be indicted for obstruction of justice charges:
The bottom line is this, it’s unfolding and what’s happening is, what Durham is actually doing is he’s painting a picture and not everyone of these acts is going to be a specific separate crime. But they are going to be, what’s called overt acts in a conspiracy. One to defraud the United States government. One to deny the civil rights of Trump and Flynn and Page and a bunch of other people.
At the 8:55 mark diGenova droped another bomb when discussing the notes that were released that show the government was actively working to frame General Flynn:
DiGenova: You know Baker is now working with Durham. James Baker the former General Counsel.
Carr: He’s flipped?
DiGenova: Who was a target, is now understandably cooperating because he was looking at a boat load of criminal charges. Once these notes were discovered, and by the way, these were the notes that [FBI Director] Chris Wray and Dana Boente did not want turned over.
John Brennan does not likely know all who talked to Durham or what was said. If he does he may be engaged in more crimes.