>>10393506 (lb)
No, talking about the fact that The Bible couldn't have been written by human intellect, mathematically not possible!
>>10393506 (lb)
No, talking about the fact that The Bible couldn't have been written by human intellect, mathematically not possible!
>>10393536 (lb)
"Dumbest"? Why? Because The Truth doesn't fit ^your^ narrative?
I gave you hard evidence! You choice to reject it…that's the whole point! But if a man rejects The Truth, doesn't that make him a foolish man?
"Dying of thirst yet willing to die thirsty!"
Right On sisteranon!
My apologies for the filth you've had to endure!
The IRONY of the small number of man-babies that post the pron is staggering…they are doing the exact same thing the leftists are doing, imposing their desires upon everybody else!
MAJOR bummer if this is the announcement! Hoping for the release of HCQ!
Speaking the truth of the matter! Why NOT have consideration for the people that come here and the MAGNITUDE of this operation?
"…stumble over the truth but hurry off as if nothing happened…"
If you understood the Truth of how your judgmental heart works against you, you would turn away from it!
Quit destroying your soul!
Actually child predators need to be executed!