rather tasteless given what her cause is, don't you think?
She looks cheery in this picture.
rather tasteless given what her cause is, don't you think?
She looks cheery in this picture.
That's Los Angeles?
Now supposedly she's a performer and it's OK to her to dress like that.
but now years later, after she was shopped around and treated shabbily I would ask the more experienced Rose: would you make that same fashion choice today? Would you recommend that? Does it intice the creeps needlessly?
I'm not saying that if you are in a situation where you know everyone and it's some kind of weird deal, not my call, she shows up, she's dressed for someone? A spouse.
it's an outfit.
but in the case of this instance her at an event? Does she, Rose , still consider that a smart your star, such as her self (she was younger in this photo) should dress in such a manner?
or is it shopped and it's not her?
what does she think now?
I live in a town where some of the young pretty girls wear more on their face as a mask than they do . . . in the lower parts.
They'll be with their moms who are dressed the same way!