Rep. Paul Gosar: "Child trafficking and the deep state are real, “systemic racism” is a hoax"
'They' INTENTIONALLY selectively 'enriched' certain races and 'impoverished' certain races, then pushed a 'theory' from a Satanic 'poetry' writing 'philosopher' by the name of Karl Marx and his attempt at political philosophy providing a 'material' reason for total overthrow….DIVIDING the people by class, race.
What other conclusion would 'trusting' viewers make if they saw ONLY the effect of extreme relative inequality, and could not see the cause was NOBODY ON EITHER 'SIDE' OF THE 'CONFLICT' THE PEOPLE WOULD INVARIABLY PERCEIVE AND THINK TRUE [MSDNC 'INFO' BLAST TOO!]?
They would start to blame and attack EACH OTHER.
Under a HUMAN CREATED 'SPELL', a massive disinfo campaign the pushers of which believe "deceive and manipulate others before they do it to you" fallacious irrational zero sum game delusion to justify their own evil.
These people really are sick.
They purposefully impoverish black people, we're seeing that in real time in how the "[D] Party" treats and talks to black people who 'become rebellious' towards the D party 'NARRATIVE' 'permitted' for them.
This Great Awakening is going global at an exponential rate.
Sitting Congressmen aren't afraid to say that 'systemic racism' is in fact the outcome of a deliberate worldwide deep state of human traffickers who used that outcome as the pretext to deceive people further by saying the cause is 'inherent' in the 'SEVERED FROM DEEP STATE CONNECTION' of 'capitalist'-'proletariat', where every human being is either one of those, or, either an advocate of one and an enemy of the other.
No further 'dialogue' is 'permitted'.
When humans are trafficked at large scales, entire "countries" can be selectively impoverished. In darkness all they see is themselves getting 'divided' further and further by class, by race, by religion, with THAT MUCH DECEPTION of course the best cure would be disclosure/declass.
I think all governments are 10% physical warfare and 90% information warfare, and that 90% information warfare CAN TAKE THE FORM of physical 'roles' of people and buildings and equipment.
I am watching what I am beginning to see very clearly as the military supporting Trump to take down a B movie production 'private' company called the DNC and their partners among the MSDNC network.
This movie company produces movies THAT USE UNWITTING/UNWILLING PEOPLE as extras, pawns, so as to produce movies with real deaths, snuff films and the people are on the casting lists whether they want it or not. Whether they consent to it or not.
Then, we see 'movies made of the movies being made' played on TV, we see movies in the theaters, 90% of the bandwidth is echo-chamber 'movie critiques' of pro/con, yet all are suggesting to their viewers in unison that the wars 'really happened!' because ONLY 'country A' bad 'country B' good, or, country A good, country B bad.
Not only never any mention of the deception, those who question it are to be attacked as 'conspiracy theorists' a termed coined by the C_A in how to 'deal with' legit investigations into JFK assassination.
Systematic racism was manufactured by reports of what is "a satanic cult of pedophile cannibals" to abolish the private property of whole countries.
It makes sense why faith is so crucial.
Faith is the only way to see outside ourselves and detect the dark intentions of real life human beings who practise what every religion has sought to use to promise all future humanity that the good life can be had if we have the capacity to see the world for what it really is instead of what group think repeats as brought to them by 'trusted' information controllers.
The deep state exists, what they have VISIBLY caused exists, but 'systematic racism' does not exist. It is a manufactured 'reality' to keep the people blaming each other, race wars, class wars, religious wars, THE MORE THE PEOPLE BECOME DIVIDED THE MORE DIFFICULT THE SOURCE WAS TO DETECT FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME.
Until Q…uestioning things.